

Mind Map on Renaissance, created by Shyh-Chien Curie Chiou on 25/04/2017.
Shyh-Chien Curie Chiou
Mind Map by Shyh-Chien Curie Chiou, updated more than 1 year ago
Shyh-Chien Curie Chiou
Created by Shyh-Chien Curie Chiou almost 8 years ago

Resource summary



  • Renaissance is a period in Europe from 1300 to 1600 CE after the Middle Ages. During this period, there’s a rebirth of classical and humanist ideas, bringing changes to many aspects in Europe. Also, many popular artists and thinkers came from this period, such as the well-known playwright Shakespeare, sculptor Michelangelo, artist Da Vinci, and the scientist Galileo. It’s in the center of this mind map because it is what this unit is all about.
  1. Humanism


    • Humanism is an idea that prospered during the Renaissance. It emphasizes love, beauty, and the interest in learning. As a result, many subjects were being influenced by the humanist ideas that led to the beginning of this period. It is being put along with “Influence of Italian city states” and “Trade and Commerce” because they led to the start of Renaissance”.
    1. Human Potential


      • Humanism values individuals, and believed they have the potential to think independently. As a result, this term is being placed under “Humanism” and being connected to “Independent Thinking” because it’s one of the points humanism values and these points are related.
      1. Independent Thinking


        • One concept about humanism is about having independent thinking. Humanism want humanists to have their own thoughts, instead of listening to the church. It is being labelled under “Humanism” because it’s one of the points humanism talks about.
      2. independent thinking
      3. Influence of Italian city-states


        • Italian city states are small city states ruled by merchants and the wealthy families. One example of it is Florence. Due to it’s location along the trade routes, they have prosperous trade and commerce, and made them able to sponsor patrons. Eventually, trade and commerce of the Italian city states brought to the begin of Renaissance. It is placed at the left side of “Renaissance” and connected with “Trade and Commerce” because they together led to the the begin of Renaissance.
        1. Trade and Commerce


          • Together with the influence of Italian city states and humanism, they marked the beginning of the Renaissance period that lasted for around 3000 years. The beneficial location Florence is located on along the Arno River enabled it to become a center for trade and commerce. It is located at the left side of “Renaissance” along “Trade and Commerce”, “Influence of Italian city states” and “Humanism” because they are the three factors that marked the beginning of this period.
          1. Mongol Empire


            • Mongol Empire created a safe trade route along the Silk Road to China during the 1300s. It made trade and commerce of Florence able to be prospered. It is being put on top of “Trade and Commerce” because the trade routes they made created a safe base for trade and commerce of Renaissance.
            1. The Plague


              • The plague that occurred during the Middle Ages of Europe made many people to die. This plague cancelled the feudalism system that originally existed in the medieval times. As a result, the leftover people used trading methods to have themselves better situated, which then made Renaissance to begin. It is being put on top of “Trade and Commerce” because it made trade and commerce able to prosper and led to the beginning of Renaissance.
            2. Gutenberg Printing Press


              • The Gutenberg printing press could probably be considered as one of the most successful inventions. Gutenberg invented his metal printing press that could copy works faster, eventually made the price of books to be lowered which enabled more people to read. It is being placed right beside “Renaissance” because it made communications of ideas and discoveries between people able to be achieved, while Renaissance is about a period with new ideas differed from the medieval times.
              1. Increased Literacy


                • With the invention of a new type of printing press, there’s an increase of literacy in Europe. This term is being placed after “Gutenberg Printing Press” because it’s an effect this invention led to.
              2. Rebirth of Classical Ideas


                • In the Renaissance period, the city is influenced by the rebirth of classical ideas in many different aspects from literature, to art, to science, and architecture. It is being put right after “Renaissance” because it’s the reason why Renaissance is such an important period in the European history.
                1. Change
                  1. Science


                    • Due to the influence on classical ideas, scientists in the Renaissance period started to believe in the experiments datas they performed and analyzed, instead of believing the ideas outlined in ancient Greek and Roman texts. It is being put after “Change” because it has changed in the Renaissance due to the rebirth of classical ideas.
                    1. Copernicus


                      • Copernicus is a Polish outstanding astronomer during the Renaissance. He is unafraid to question beliefs and think based on what had been seen instead of what should be seen. He is the scientists who proposed the idea that sun is the center of the universe. He is being put after “Science” because he performed really well in science.
                        1. Galileo


                          • Galileo is also an outstanding astronomer. He made the foundation of modern astronomy and improved the structure of telescopes. Also, he strengthened the theory that sun is the center of the universe. He is being put after “Science” because he had outstanding achievements in the field of science. Meanwhile, he is being connected to Copernicus because he supported the theory being proposed by Copernicus.
                        2. Galileo
                          1. Medicine


                            • Medicine is a broad field of science which doctors, pharmacists, and anatomists of Renaissance come from. It is being put after “Science” because it is a big category categorized in the field of science.
                            1. Vasalius


                              • Vesalius is one of the most outstanding scientists who studied anatomy. He has a huge passion on anatomy. As a result, he did quite a lot of observations and drawings based on his observations. One of his best work was known as “On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres”, it’s the first medical textbook of modern times. He is being put after “Medicine” because anatomy is one field of anatomy.
                          2. Art


                            • The field of art during the Renaissance includes painting and sculpture. Painters tried to make their drawings look three dimensional with lively characters. On the other hand, sculptors tried to make their sculptures look like real people and can be viewed from every angle. It is being put after “Change” because it’s one of the aspects that experienced change because of the rebirth of classical ideas.
                            1. Michelangelo


                              • Michelangelo is one of the sculptor of David. He’s being inspired by another great artist Da Vinci. He is being put after “Art” because he created many masterpieces related to art. Meanwhile, he’s connected to Da Vinci because he’s being inspired by him.
                                1. Da Vinci


                                  • Da Vinci is a well rounded Italian artist of the Renaissance. He knows how to paint, sculpt, build architectures, and  also studied human proportions and mechanics at the same time. In addition, he is the author of the famous painting Mona lisa. He is being put after “Art” because art is his main field where he created many masterpieces.
                                2. Da Vinci
                                3. Architecture


                                  • Architecture was being influenced by both humanist and classical ideas during the Renaissance. Based on the humanist ideas, architects designed outdoor plazas. On the other hand, the influence on the classical ideas made Greek and Roman ruins to appear on Renaissance architectures. It is being put after “Change” because it’s one of the aspects that experienced change based on the rebirth of classical ideas in the Renaissance.
                                  1. Brunelleschi


                                    • Brunelleschi was one of the most famous architects in the Renaissance. One of his masterpiece was known as the Santa Maria del Fiore, which is the great cathedral of Florence. Using the study of ancient ruins, he built the dome with 8 stone aches with no support from the inside. He is being put after “Architecture” because he is a famous architect who built some of the most magnificent architectures during the Renaissance time.
                                  2. Literature


                                    • Literature had also been influenced by classical ideas after the Middle Ages. For example, writers started to write about secular (non-religious) topics instead of religious topics in the Renaissance. Secondly, they changed from writing in formal Latin language to vernacular (common everyday) language. Lastly, they write for the general public instead of the highly educated people. It is being put after “Change” because it is being changed after the medieval times in Europe.
                                    1. Shakespeare


                                      • Shakespeare is one of the most well known playwright of England. He was an actor, poet, and playwright at the same time, but he was especially skilled as a playwright. One of his best known poems is the sonnets, and one of his best known projects is Romeo and Juliet. He is being put after “Literature” because he performed really well in the field of literature.
                                      1. non-religious themes


                                        • Non-religious themes is one of the characteristics of writings during the Renaissance. It is being put after “Literature” because writers of Renaissance write about secular subjects during this time.
                                      2. Politics


                                        • Politics has also been influenced by the rebirth of classical ideas. During the Renaissance, the Medici Family ruled all aspects of Florentines’ life. The wealth they acquired through banking has not only been used to sponsor artists, but also used on building palaces and establishing armies. This term is being put after “Change” because it had experienced change in between the Middle Ages (feudalism) to the Renaissance.
                                        1. Machiavelli


                                          • Machiavelli is a politician and historian who published a book called “The Prince”. This book is written in a very practical way, talking about how rulers should do what's the best for the city, instead of what’s moral, making it a very modern work. Machiavelli is being put after “Politics” because he’s a politician.
                                      3. Ancient Greece and Rome


                                        • Ancient Greece and Rome is where and how there’s a rebirth of classical ideas during the Renaissance. During the Renaissance, people were again fascinated by the classical ideas from ancient Greece and Rome, which eventually caused it to widespread and develop. It is being put after “Rebirth of Classical Ideas” because it’s the origin of those classical ideas.
                                      4. Florence, Italy


                                        • Florence was an independent city state that prospered during the Renaissance. It is located in the north of Italy and is known as the cradle of Renaissance. The city is constructed with beautiful and grand architectures and it’s also the home of many great artists. The artists are being sponsored by the powerful wealthy ruling family of Florence, The Medici Family. It is being put right after “Renaissance” because it is an important center of the prosperse of the Renaissance.
                                        1. Medici Family


                                          • The Medici Family is a powerful ruling family of Florence who sponsored many artists. They attained their wealth by their banking business. It is being put after “Florence, Italy” because they ruled Florence and lived there.
                                          1. Patrons


                                            • Patrons are the people who sponsored artists. During the Renaissance, many patrons came from the Medici Family. The Medici Family dedicated the artworks to Florence to make the city beautiful and achieve to the goal of humanism about love and beauty. It is being put after “Medici Family” because it’s where many patrons come from.
                                          2. Change


                                            • Due to the rebirth of classical ideas during the Renaissance, it caused change in many subjects. Because of these changes, modern science is able to be so well developed and new ideas/styles of architecture and art is being continued until nowadays. It is being put after “Rebirth of Classical Ideas” because it’s the impact of what classical ideas bring to the Renaissance and also the modern days.
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