Glycolysis 1


A-Levels Biology a2/2 (Respiration) Mind Map on Glycolysis 1, created by ZC_ on 13/05/2013.
Mind Map by ZC_, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ZC_ almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Glycolysis 1
  1. the splitting of glucose to produce pyruvate
    1. requires glucose, ATP,ADP,Pi and NAD+
      1. Produces NADH+H+ and ATP
    2. For every molecule of glucose, two molecules of ATP are used initially.
      1. Four molecules of ATP are produced. so there is a net production of two
        1. this occurs in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration
      2. during aerobic respiration, additional energy is available from NAD
        1. 2 NADH produced
          1. electrons must pass into the mitochondrion to produce more ATP by oxidative phosphylation
          2. 2 molecules of pyruvate per glucose
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