Medieval History


9 HSIE and Art Mind Map on Medieval History, created by shenaii matlock on 13/05/2014.
shenaii matlock
Mind Map by shenaii matlock, updated more than 1 year ago
shenaii matlock
Created by shenaii matlock almost 11 years ago
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Resource summary

Medieval History
  1. The feudal system
    1. Info: They made the feudal system to organise how the land would be used and to control people.This was made in the 8th century.
    2. Law and Order
      1. Witchcraft
        1. People believed that witch's were the devils followers on earth and that they used there special powers to bring suffering and unhappiness into the world. People blamed witch's for natural disasters. You didnt need much evidence to blam someone and it was easy as to find some.
          1. A witch's punisment was to be burnt to the steak but if it said it was a witch the the person would be strangled before burnt
          2. Trials
            1. Compurgation
              1. For this they would get 12 random people to read a special oath to see if guilty or not. If one of the 12 made a mistake then the person being judged was guilty.
              2. Combat
                1. Nobles used trial by combat prove there innocence. At the start the defendant (accused person) and the accuser were expected to fight the battle personally but soon everyone began to use an expert known as the champion to fight the battle in there place. People believed that god would reward the innocent person with victory.
                2. Ordeals
                  1. 1. By water (Where your through in holy water tied up and if the accused person floats then they were guilty if drowned then they were innocent).
                    1. 2. By fire ( where you burn your hand and if it heals in 3 days or less your innocent
                    2. Before jury trials were introduced in the 12th century it was decided with compurgation, combat and the ordeals
                    3. Juries
                      1. Info: In the 12th century Henry the second king of England conducted courts with juries of 12 random villages. The jury decided if guilty or not.
                      2. Punisments
                        1. Info: most punisments where made to fit the crime
                          1. If you nagged your husband you were tied to a dunking stool and dunked 3 times.
                            1. If a women was found gossiping she would have to wear the scolds bridle.
                              1. For minor crimes you would be put in the stocks or the pillory.
                            2. Knights
                              1. Stages of training: You would began at the age of 7 by leaving home and learning the skills of a PAGE. Which was to learn to be polite, to serve god, to readand write, to ride and hunt for wild game.At the age of 14 years he could become a square. He would learn to look after his armer, weaponry and horse. He would also learn his training in military skills, social graces and cutural pursuits. By the age of 21 the man could go into knighthood.
                                1. chivalry: The rules for a knight was called the code of chivalry these where loyal to the catholic church, dedicated to helping those how are weak, brave in battle and willing to fight to protect women.
                                  1. Tournaments: Knights did tournaments to practice their skills some tournaments were like tilt ( trying to push the other player off there house) and sword play.
                                  2. Castles
                                    1. Motte and Bailey Castles
                                      1. In the 11th and 12th Century ' motte and bailey castles were developed.
                                        1. These castles features are Bailey, Motte (The hill), moat, Drawbridge, keep, ditch.
                                          1. Stone Castles
                                            1. Stone castles first came in the 10th century.
                                              1. Defensive features of a stone castle.
                                                1. Keep: The strongest part of the castle.
                                                  1. Thick stone walls: Used to protect the inside.
                                                    1. Battlement: Set up on top of the towers where the archers shot there arrows.
                                                      1. Drawbridge: Wooden bridge that can be brought up to stop attackers.
                                                        1. Porteullis: Metal gate that can be droped to stop someone come in.
                                                          1. Arrow slits: Small windows in the tower that arrows can be fired from.
                                                            1. Merlons: Bumps on the top of the castle walls allows archers to tack cover.
                                                              1. Moat: Ditch that surrounds a castle to slow attackers.
                                                                1. Bailey
                                                                  1. Machiolations: Hole on the tower where they throw any thing down to stop the enemy.
                                                                    1. Crenallations: There in the middle of the merlons where the shoter fire there arrows.
                                                                  2. The first kind of Castles were made in the 9th and 10th Centuries.
                                                                  3. Health and Hygiene
                                                                    1. Into:People had very bad hygiene for example they had garbage and waste thrown outside, rats and fleas were a common problem, diseases were common, not many doctors, limited medical knowledge, people thought that god would save them,operations often ended in infection from unsterilised equipment this caused people to only live up to around 40.
                                                                      1. The black plague
                                                                        1. Info: Killed between 25-30million europeans. The plague was around in 1347-1351. Manly poor people were effected because of there week immune system. You would normally die if caught it.
                                                                          1. How it spread: It all began in China in the 1320s then spread by the mongols to europe in 1347 then italian merchants spread the disease to frence and the rest of europe.
                                                                            1. Cycle of infection
                                                                              1. Symptoms: were vomiting, coughing up blood, blue-black tumours (buboes) all over there bodys full with pus and blood and the victim died within three to five days.
                                                                                1. Treatment: Doctors could not cure the plague because they didnt understand it. Some thought smelling herbs and flowers would help. Some docterswould bleed the patient to death to release bad blood.
                                                                              2. Village life
                                                                                1. Types of peasants
                                                                                  1. Free man: Bought there freedom and paid rent and services for there land they used.
                                                                                    1. Cotters: Lived on the Manor, Only owed there cottage and did craftwork for the lord and other peasants.
                                                                                      1. Serfs/ villeins: Owned by the lord,worked 3-5 days on the lords land and also worked on thier own land.
                                                                                      2. A monor is a large area of land
                                                                                        1. Farm work
                                                                                            1. The land is divided into 3 fields. Each year one of the fields is left without a crop. This field is where they put the cattle which fertilises the land. The two other fields where farmed.
                                                                                              1. Times: In summer started at 4:30 and finnished at 7pm (14 and a half hours). In winter started at 6:30am and finnished at 4:30pm (10 hours).
                                                                                              2. Power of the lord
                                                                                                1. The Lord had a lot of power. Peasants had to ask the lord if they wonted to leave the village, get married, sell there animals or to have there kids to get taught how to read or write. If a peasant died the lord would collect the peasants second best animal.
                                                                                                2. Buildings
                                                                                                  1. The Manor would normally have a Barn, Castles (where the King lived), simple homes, huts and a mill.
                                                                                                    1. The huts and simple house would have straw on the roofs to create warmth and to provent leaks.
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