Storm on the Island - Seamus Heaney


GCSE English (Poetry) Mind Map on Storm on the Island - Seamus Heaney, created by Samira Choudhury on 29/04/2017.
Samira Choudhury
Mind Map by Samira Choudhury, updated more than 1 year ago
Samira Choudhury
Created by Samira Choudhury over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Storm on the Island - Seamus Heaney
  1. No 'The' or 'A' in title - Happens all the time
    1. 'Prepared' - Expected, secure
      1. Iambic metre
        1. 'No stacks or stooks' - Sibilance, sound of wind
          1. Blank verse - Conversational tone
            1. 1 long stanza - Alone like people, storm lasts long
              1. 'Blows full blast' - Nouns, alliteration, violent, war, bombs
                1. 'Wizened earth has never troubled us' - Personification, old friend
                  1. 'We' - Pronoun, together, community, same situation
                    1. Present tense - Sense of urgency
                      1. 'Squat' - Adjective, low down, strong wind, hidden
                        1. 8 letters of title spell 'Stormont' - Irish rule
                          1. 'You know what I mean' - Talking to people, chatty, conversational tone
                            1. 'Tragic chorus in a gale' - Sad, happens more than once
                              1. 'Listen to the thing you fear' - Fear hasn't taken hold
                                1. 'Pummels' - Verb, violent imagery
                                  1. 'You might think' - You don't know
                                    1. 'No trees, no natural shelter' - Repetition, nothing left, blown by storm or bomb, no protection, exposed
                                      1. 'Tame cat turned savage' - Alliteration, change
                                        1. 'Windows, spits' - Sibilance, hissing, sound of bullets
                                          1. 'Exploding comfortably' - Oxymoron, contrast, was relaxing
                                            1. 'The sea is company' - Personification, not company, nature not helping/protecting
                                              1. 'Spray hits' - Metaphor, bullets
                                                1. 'We just sit tight' - Out of their control, nothing to do
                                                  1. 'Bombarded' - Verb, attacked
                                                    1. 'Salvo' - Noun, rapid artillery fire
                                                      1. 'Huge nothing' - Unknown fear
                                                        1. 'Fear' - Noun, repetition, last word, hasn't ended
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