Q4: How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluations?


Mind Map on Q4: How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluations?, created by Husna Badsha on 03/05/2017.
Husna Badsha
Mind Map by Husna Badsha, updated more than 1 year ago
Husna Badsha
Created by Husna Badsha over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Q4: How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluations?
    1. GOOGLE
      1. Google is a search engine that has been used throughout my coursework. The feature allows me to type words that lead on to information and data that I am looking for. The ability to navigate through a variety of websites, images and the access to technologies/softwares is a prominent feature that has helped me throughout my coursework. In addition to this, Google has advanced search settings and search parameters which allow for specific information to be retrieved and find results that are accurate and resourceful.
      2. YOUTUBE
        1. YouTube was a platform I used consistently throughout my research and planning. Having a social networking site to distribute to the audience is a convenient and effective way to build on the audience. I used YouTube to present my audience focus group, our film etc. Using web 2.0 I discovered numerous short horror film and radio trailers/ visual trailers on YouTube, which enabled me to view the content that I needed in high quality resolution, giving me the chance to produce a high standard textual analysis. E.g. ABE Short film textual analysis, I was able to watch the short clip on YouTube and then use Microsoft Word to type up my analysis and cop and paste it to Blogger.
        2. BLOGGER
          1. Blogger is my most used media technology. It is a free online platform that lets you display your work in a fun, exciting way. It is used to post content, information, notes, videos and embedded links. This feature has enabled me to embed links from other technologies and software’s, by copying a link and inserting this component as a “HTML”, this way I can evidently show my influences. Furthermore, when previewed, this would be displayed on the blog, which would appear easily accessible for all viewers. This also helps improve the interaction between any technology posted and the viewer. It allows me to improve on my organisational skills by changing the dates and time to structure my blog in chronological order. Blogger has a editing tool which is very beneficial as through my journey there were a lot of changes such as film plot or research that didn’t go to plan. This allows me to edit my posts and add things that are needed.
          2. EMAZE
            1. I remotely use Emaze especially to present what I have learnt from research. Emaze is a website which allows you to create an interactive presentation. There are a lot of editing divisions and a variety of options to choose from with manipulating text, inserting videos and images and changing the front, size and colour of text. Having an interactive presentation is always engaging when shown or presenting to the target audience. Slides can be added to extend the interactive presentation. Emaze comes up with seasonal, festival themes which can work with my presentations around October they had a Halloween theme which was helpful to incorporate the horror theme on my blog.
            2. SURVEY MONKEY
              1. Survey Monkey is an online survey that allows you to create your own survey, questionnaire. It is an quick and easy way to get a high rate response and interact with your audience. I used this to get an idea of what are my audiences’ preferences of Horror films. As a group we created a survey, from the data collected we can instantly see that the 57.14% of the audience enjoy watching psychological horror films the most, However, scientific horror was not voted on. However due to the release of many horror films in 2016 focusing on supernatural, and religion horror therefore many horror films in cinema are only in these two sub genres. Perhaps, if there a scientific horror film released in late 2016/ 2017, then the audience would like scientific horror. Also this results will help us to decide what sub genre our horror genre should be, either go with today’s convention of horror genres and use psychological or go against the convention and produce less common sub genre like scientific h
              2. TWITTER
                1. Twitter was very useful when getting audience feedback. i used twitter as it is a popular social networking site for my target audience who is with the age range 15-21, getting feedback from twitter was beneficial as i was able to target audience from all over the world not restricting to one region. Also, many people from different cultures and background able to give their feedback which will again help us construct our production as we also want to challenge conventions of the western filling. i
                  1. i also used twitter to get critical feedback from my poster, using twitter feature voting poll made it straightforward for me to analyse and compare my findings as it has given me numerical data.
              3. PLANNING
                1. PREZI
                  1. Prezi is a software, which allows you to create an online presentation. It permits the use of customising your own presentation by selecting a theme. Within the actual creation of the presentation you can control the font-style, font-size and colour to your liking. Beside this, you have the option to create text boxes, add layers of slides and the insertion of images, audio and videos. Prezi has made me present my ideas in a more simplistic yet exciting way. I used this for various research and planning, e.g. for my Horror Genre Poster Conventions presentation, where I kept a theme of using conventional horror theme colours such as red, black, white; showing I can reflect on what I learnt by presenting ways in which is used.
                  2. WHATSAPP
                    1. Communication is critical in group work. In order to communicate effectively, my group and I WhatsApp each other. We created a group chat, which originally consisted of Aniqa, Naima and I. The purpose of the group chat was to plan and discuss any group work and work the other individual may find difficult to approach or handle. It was effective as we can text each other anytime and if not everyone is free to meet up, the chat is there were one can catch up with the information. We also can send links, documents, photos, voice-overs, and videos exchanging media. WhatsApp was also used to get in contact with our actors and actresses and find out about their availability concerning filming. Additionally, we used email to communicate, as there were several other pieces of group work that we needed to email to each other.
                    2. POWTTOON
                      1. PowToon is Web-based animation software that allows users to create animated presentations by manipulating pre-created objects, imported images, provided music and user created voice-overs. There are two modes custom mode- which I use, an more complex mode where you can use many tools and import sound, image etc. it is more free as you are not restricted to one or two tools and can make your slides very creative with different themes. It is effective as it is much more engaging with the audience as you can pit an voice over whilst using animations to present your ideas. It is also simple to export and publish as you can then simply embed the link and copy and paste to blogger html.
                      2. FLIIPBOOK
                        1. Flipsnack is a creative fun way of displaying your work; it is a digital book, where it turn pages where your slide comes up. I wanted to use this media as it is creative and fresh as it would be boring to only have presentations and text posts on my blog, it is more engaging or the viewer as they can also flip the pages.
                        2. VIMEO
                          1. Vimeo is a video-sharing website that allows members to view, upload and share videos. I use vimeo to distribute my ideas for film, research and planning, preliminary task etc. the site is used by film makers and creative decision makers who want to share the work, using this platform gives ne the idea of how people in the industry distribute and share their almost like a film festival. Also it is another creative way of presenting my work in a high standard video format.
                          2. WHATSAPP
                            1. Communication is critical in group work. In order to communicate effectively, my group and I WhatsApp each other. We created a group chat, which originally consisted of Aniqa, Naima and I. The purpose of the group chat was to plan and discuss any group work and work the other individual may find difficult to approach or handle. It was effective as we can text each other anytime and if not everyone is free to meet up, the chat is there were one can catch up with the information. We also can send links, documents, photos, voice-overs, and videos exchanging media. WhatsApp was also used to get in contact with our actors and actresses and find out about their availability concerning filming. Additionally, we used email to communicate, as there were several other pieces of group work that we needed to email to each other.
                            2. IPHONE
                            3. PRODUCTION
                              1. CANNON DSLR 100D
                                1. Canon DSLR 100D 18-35mm camera enables me to capture photographs for my location, practice shots and pictures for my poster and was also used to record my short film. Using the DSLR helped me improve my skills when taking photographs and filming in a higher quality. I improved the skills of using certain shot types and angles e/g/ extreme close up, long shot, low angle shot. Almost our whole film was handheld to give the horror effect of verisimilitude and terror but we used the tripod a specific scene, where the protagonist and antagonist finally see each other, which is shot in a long shot. Instead of using green screen to shoot this scene as both roles were played by the same person. We placed the camera and tripod in the middle making sure it is secured and had it running whilst the actress changed positions two times, then went on Final Cut Pro to edit the scene
                                2. PHOTOSHOP
                                  1. Photoshop is a software I used consistently to construct my print products. It enable me to edit and customise photographs, content, text and other conventions that were used in the print product. E.g. For Sakkuku as I am creating a horror poster it involved horror conventions such as red, black, white and neutral colour theme. Photoshop was a vital process when constructing our print products, as it allowed me to push my skills and knowledge of Photoshop to an intermediate level. I incorporated more editing and experimenting with specific tools in the Photoshop menu such as dodging, burning and blurring the figure that was placed inside the eye, making sure that it looked like a real reflection and was correctly place above the waterline. I layered images together to give an overlapped effect and to create something that unnatural to the eye. E.g. placing the tree branches images on top of the characters face. Creating a scary villain look. The gradient effect came to use as it helped
                                  2. FINAL CUT PRO
                                    1. Final Cut Pro allowed me to edit and add filters to alter my film. In addition to this we added fast cutting rates, using the blade tool, which let me, simply cut clips. I explored the colour grading as I wanted to have a red filter in my film, so I adjusted the saturation and colour to my liking, I used transitions such as ‘fade to black’ to give the effects of blinking, final pro allowed me to use a distinctive effect such as prism, which gave a an tweak glitch effect which was for the purpose to differentiate the protagonists and antagonist view. Shortcut buttons on how to synch, copy and paste effects by simply pressing the apple, shift v key, which saved a lot of time. And render the footage of the video. Rendering allows us to upload the footage in our film, so it appears in better quality and also reduces the size of the overall file, helping for less time-consuming uploading of files. Overall my skills increased greatly in rendering, editing, adding effects, filters, visuals an
                                    2. CELTX
                                      1. Celtx is an all in one system for video and film planning, designed for creating and organizing media projects like screenplays, films, videos, stageplays, audio plays, documentaries, machinima, comics, games and podcasts. Celtx uses an industry standard screenwriting editor typical for screenplays, stageplays, AV scripts, comic books, or radio plays. Celtx also includes a rich text editor module for writing novels. Scripts can be uploaded to the Celtx Exchange for public viewing, peer reviews and commentary. My main use for celtx was for my film script, celtx was convenient to use as it automatically put my characters dialogue in the middle, my heading and location outlined on top etc. al the features that a professional film script in the industry consist of. Thus my film script was a high standard script thanks to this software.
                                      2. AUDACITY
                                        1. Audacity is an sound editing software that we are familiar with this is where we got our sound editing done, it was straightforward as the tools were cut, copy, paste, trim, and different sound effects. It was effective as we can quickly upload our sound onto the software and edit without any trouble.
                                        2. LOGICSTUDIO
                                          1. Logic Studio was a music production suite by Apple Inc. It claims to be the largest collection of modeled instruments, sampler instruments, effect plug-ins, and audio loops ever put in a single application. Using logic helped us construct a good quality soundtrack and radio trailer as we used many sound effects, editing was precise as we had it up on a big screen and overall quality was good.
                                        3. Evaluations
                                          1. DICTAPHONE
                                            1. SOUNDCLOUD
                                              1. Soundcloud is a user generated website that allows the sharing, uploading and the distribution of sound. I used Soundloud to upload and transfer a voice note of me answering one questions – the sound was directly recorded either from my phone or a dicataphone and transferred to the Soundcloud app. I also used Souncloud because a lot of musically talented people put their songs and productions on the platform to promote themselves and I hoped I would gain access to a sound that would be suited to the first part of our trailer.
                                              2. the dictaphone is a convenient way to record sound as it is handy and picks up great quality sound, it is straight forward to use and upload with a external cable to a hardware..
                                              3. GOCONQR
                                                1. goconqr is a online app that lets you create your own resources, it is a fun way to distribute your ideas and present in a different way. it's dashboard helps you see what you have created so far and has previews so you can see how your work has turned out. you can import media, making your slides more exciting and interesting.
                                                2. iMOVIE
                                                  1. imovie is an editing software that lets you edit, it is an simple easy way to construct your project with the straightforward tools. I used this for my experiment with horror as I got a bunch of videos putting them together and editing them, using distinctive filters, cutting and fast forwarding the clips producing a horror like short film. This was effective as it runs without any wifi connection, meaning I can use it anytime and anywhere. It also is quick exporting the file and uploading straight to YouTube and Vimeo.
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