Stalin& industrialisation


Omagh Academy- Stalin's economic policies
lindsey gregg
Mind Map by lindsey gregg, updated 6 months ago
lindsey gregg
Created by lindsey gregg over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Stalin& industrialisation
  1. Consequences
    1. Industrial output increased between 1929 & 1941.
      1. USSR transformed into a modern industrial state. Now a superpower. Russian GDP doubled between 1929 and 1941
        1. USSR became became better able to exploit its natural resources and was spared the worst effects of the Depression of the 1930s
          1. Heavy industry expanded & URBAN POPULATION DOUBLED
            1. Workers conditions & wages failed to improve by 1941 despite the claims made by Stalinist Propaganda.
              1. Positive consequences for party & state. Negative consequences for people(peasants & proletariat).
                1. USSR now able to withstand a Nazi attack
                2. Aims
                  1. Had political connotations. Survival of the revolution. Needed the proletariat to increase in size whilst the peasantry reduced.
                    1. Economic- needed to feed & supply the workers. NEP had failed- failure of grain harvest in 1927/28
                      1. Military- fear of invasion. War scare in 1927- massacre of Chinese communists/ assassination of Soviet ambassador to Poland. Needed a stronger industrial base to survive a future attack from capitalist powers.
                        1. Modernise the nation. USSR 50 to 100 yrs behind the rest of the world. Industrialisation viewed as central to the survival of the USSR.
                          1. Removal of capitalists who had thrived under the NEP. Liquidation of NEPmen and Kulaks
                            1. Personal- to strengthen his position in the party by removal of rightists who supported NEP.
                            2. Features
                              1. GOSPLAN- state planning agency- set up to create & manage targets.
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