1.7 Systems Software


stuff Screaming Mind Map on 1.7 Systems Software, created by nomis nomis on 04/05/2017.
nomis nomis
Mind Map by nomis nomis, updated more than 1 year ago
nomis nomis
Created by nomis nomis over 7 years ago

Resource summary

1.7 Systems Software
  1. Operating Systems
    1. Provides a User Interface
      1. WIMP
        1. Advantages
          1. Easier to use
          2. Disadvantages
            1. Takes up more system resources
          3. CLI
            1. Advantages
              1. Provides the user with more control
                1. Can be quicker to use
                  1. Less resource heavy
                  2. Disadvantages
                    1. Difficult to learn/ use
                2. Provides a platform for software to run
                  1. Allows the computer to multi-task
                    1. The CPU divides its time into slices
                      1. The Processor switches between each of the programs running to create the illusion of multitasking
                      2. Deals with file and disk management
                        1. The OS decides whether something goes into or out of RAM
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