interpersonal process 1


social psychology
Sheena Ni
Mind Map by Sheena Ni, updated more than 1 year ago
Sheena Ni
Created by Sheena Ni over 7 years ago

Resource summary

interpersonal process 1
  1. Social Facilitation
    1. Triplett's experiment
      1. children wound fishing reels
        1. children performed competitively faster than they performed alone
          1. types of social facilitation
            1. co-action effects
              1. audience effects
          2. social inhibition
            1. if the task/behaviour is easy or well-learned-----arousal helps performance
              1. if the task/behaviour is hard or not well-learned-----arousal hinders performance
              2. theories of social facilitation
                1. mere presence theory
                  1. arousal facilitated the performance of the dominant response
                    1. arousal impaired the performance of the non-dominant response
                    2. distraction-conflict theory
                      1. the presence of others influences our performance because people are cognitively distracting
                        1. the presence of others produces a conflict between paying attention to the task and paying attention to the audiences
                          1. this conflict leads to increased arousal, which either facilitates or inhibits our performances.
                          2. evaluation-apprehension theory
                            1. proposed that we are aware of social approval and disapproval from being evaluated by others
                              1. we are apprehensive about beingevaluated by otehrs
                            2. definition 1 improved performance in the mere presence of others on easy or well-learned tasks 2 decreased performance in the mere presence of others on difficult or poorly-learned tasks(social inhibition)
                            3. Social Loafing
                              1. Definition The reduction in individual motivation and effort that occurs when individuals work collectively compared to when they work alone or co-actively
                                1. reasons for social loafing
                                  1. factors that influence Social loafing
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