“I give Pirrip as my father's name on the
authority of his tombstone” (Chapter 1).
We discover immediately
that Pip is an orphan and
one with whom we
“But I loved Joe--perhaps for no better
reason than because the dear fellow let me
love him” (Chapter 6).
Pip gives us a tender look at the
only man who cared for him
when he was a child, making
Pip's snobbishness later on
even more reprehensible.
“Miss Havisham's house, which was of old brick and
dismal, and had a great many iron bars to it. Some of
the windows had been walled up; of those that
remained, all the lower were rustily barred.”
Satis house resembles a prison.
It's made of brick and is
dismal and dark, has few
windows, and many bars
(Chapter 8).
“I thought I heard Miss Havisham
answer--only it seemed so unlikely,
"Well? You can break his heart.”
Pip learns early on what Estella and Miss
Havisham's plans are, yet he continues to
pursue her. This introduction to the two
shows the reader immediately what Estella
and Miss Havisham are like. (Chapter 8).
“The felicitous idea occurred to me
a morning or two later when I woke
that the best step I could take
towards making myself uncommon
was to get out of Biddy everything
she knew.”
Pip is not one to accept
failure. Ironically, Biddy is
just as common as he.
“It was spacious and I dare
say had once been handsome,
but every discernible thing in
it was covered with dust and
mold, and dropping to pieces”
Satis house and its rooms are
symbolic of Miss Havisham,
dismal on the outside--rotten
on the inside. (Chapter 11).
“I could hardly have
imagined dear old Joe
looking so unlike himself
or so like some
extraordinary bird,
standing as he did,
speechless, with his tuft
of feathers ruffled, and
his mouth opened as if he
wanted a worm”
Joe's description is the epitome of
Dickensian characterization.
(Chapter 12).
“It is a most
miserable thing to
feel ashamed of
Pip's desire to impress Estella
makes him ungrateful and blind
to the things that once made him
happy. (Chapter 14).
“I promised myself that I
would do something one of
these days, and formed a plan
in outline for bestowing a
dinner of roast beef and plum
pudding, a pint of ale, and a
gallon of condescension upon
everybody in the village”
The reader sees Pip's
snobbishness developing
shortly after inheriting his
money and his social status.
(Chapter 19).
“ So throughout life our worst
weaknesses and meannesses are
usually committed for the sake of the
people whom we most despise”
Pip regretfully expounds
on a universal truth
after scorning Joe in
order not to look bad in
front of a fellow student
whom he hates.
(Chapter 27).
“All other swindlers
on Earth are
nothing to the self
The prodigal Pip
understands the only person
that harmed him was
himself. (Chapter 28).
“I'll tell you what
real love is. It is
blind devotion,
unquesitoning self
humiliation, utter
submission, trust
and belief against
yourself and against
the whole world,
giving up your
whole heart and
soul to the
smiter--as I did”
This treatise on love, given by Miss
Havisham, could just as well as
been stated by Pip. Miss Havisham
raised Estella to be the smiter, and
she succeeded. (Chapter 29).
“We spent as much money as
we could, and got as little for
it as people made up their
minds to give us. We were
always more or less miserable,
and most of our acquaintance
were in the same condition.
There was a gay fiction among
us that we were constantly
enjoying ourselves, and a
skeleton truth that we never
did. To the best of my belief,
our case was in the last aspect
a rather common one”
Pip's materialism stems from his
immaturity and having set his
sights on the superficial. He has
scorned those who love him and
replaced them with objects and
status. These very lines could be
written by millions of modern
day spenders who find their lives
empty and without foundation.
Poor Pip. (Chapter 34).
“I did really
cry in good
earnest when
I went to bed,
to think that
had done
some good to
Pip finally figures out
the secret to
happiness, serving
others. This serves as
the turning point of
Pip's life. (Chapter
“But, sharpest and deepest
pain of all--it was for the
convict, guilty of I knew
not what crimes, and
liable to be taken out of
those rooms where I sat
thinking, and hanged at
the Old Bailey door, that I
had deserted Joe”
Pip realizes he has been
anything but a gentleman. The
knowledge that his benefactor is
a criminal forces Pip to
acknowledge that Miss
Havisham is not his benefactor,
Estella and he are not betrothed,
and he has turned his back on all
that is good. (Chapter 39).
“It would have been
cruel of Miss
Havisham, horribly
cruel, to practice on
the susceptibility of a
poor boy, and to
torture me through
all these years with a
vain hope and an idle
pursuit, if she had
reflected on the
gravity of what she
did. But I think she
did not. I think that
in the endurance of
her own trial, she
forgot mine, Estella”
Pip displays his
maturity as he
forgives Miss
Havisham for all
her wrongs and
cruelties against
him. Pip realizes he
is not the only
tormented soul
and can actually
empathize with the
eccentric jilted
lover. (Chapter 44).
“I want to pursue that subject you
mentioned to me when you were last
here, and to show you that I am not
all stone. But perhaps you can never
believe, now, that there is anything
human in my heart.”
The old freak
finally does
something kind.
Her penitence,
although late,
shows Ms.
Havisham to be a
character, one
who changes
during the novel.
Both Pip and Ms.
Havisham's first
kind act involve
Herbert in
(Chapter 49).
“"Oh," she cried despairingly, "What
have I done! What have I done!"
Ms. Havisham's wasted life is the
subject of her rant, a hard repentance
for a hard heart. (Chapter 49).
“But that, in shutting out the light of day, she had shut out infinitely
more; that, in seclusion, she had secluded herself from a thousand
natural healing influences; that, her mind, brooding solitary, had
grown diseased, as all minds do and must and will that reverse the
appointed order of their Maker”
Pip learns from Ms. Havisham's mistake how not to react to Estella's
rejection. He must continue to live and associate himself with that which
is good. He must love again. He must not reverse the appointed order.
Pip's attempt to reverse the natural order of his society--to become a
gentleman out of the working class--has also made him diseased.
(Chapter 49)