Since 1898 - Cuba had been under political
and economic influence of USA
By mid 1900s - USA owned much of Cuban economy
From 1933 - Cuba ruled by Batista - ruthless military dictator
Encouraged economic involvement with USA in return for
US support of his brutal, corrupt and unpopular regime
Jan 1959 - Batista overthrown by revolutionaries -
led by Castro - Batista fled into exile
Growing US-Cuban tension 1959-1961
Initially - Castro seemed to be a liberal nationalist - and
had no programme to nationalise US interests in Cuba
However - relations soon deteriorated and Castro became
increasingly dependent on the USSR
Tensions between Cuba and US increased due to:
Castro's meeting with US Vice-President Nixon in New York -April
59 - didn't go well - Nixon concluded that Castro was a communist
Castro's imprisonment and execution of some of
Batista's supporters was condemned by US
Many Batista supporters fled to USA where they campaigned for
a US backed invasion of Cuba - this hardened Castro's attitude
Castro wanted to make Cuba independent of US influence -
so he distributed land to poor peasants who had previously
been exploited by Batista and US businesses
US-owned oil companies in Cuba refused to refine the cheaper
Soviet oil - Castro responded by nationalising the refineries
Feb 1960 - Castro signed trade deal with USSR to nationalise US
interests in Cuba that were worth over $1 billion
July 60 - US imposed economic blockade on Cuba - thereby
refusing to buy its sugar - USSR bought the crop and sent Castro
petrol after the USA refused to ship supplies
Early 1961 - Castro formally embraced communism
Bay of Pigs Invasion April 1961
61 - Kennedy authorised CIA-backed invasion of Cuba
Aim - spark popular revolt to overthrow Castro
Some 1400 lightly-armed anti-Castro exiles
landed at the Bay of Pigs
They were quickly overwhelmed by the Cuban army and air force
Failure was deep humiliation for Kennedy who
could not conceal the USA's involvement
Castro reacted by entering into a defensive agreement with the USSR -
which brought Soviet weapons and military advisers to Cuba
By early 62 - K had supplied Cuba with MiG jets and surface-to-air missiles (SAMs)
Operation Mongoose October 1961
6 months after Bay of Pigs - CIA with Kennedy's
support launched Operation Mongoose
A secret programme designed to destablise the
Cuban regime and topple Castro
Jan-July 1962 - 60000 acts of sabotage - ranging
from murder to arson - were carried out
USA also held large scale military exercises in
the Caribbean to increase pressure on Cuba and
demonstrate US's armed might
Both Castro and USSR expected USA to invade
Soviet nuclear weapons on Cuba 1962
Early september 1962 - USSR secretly started to
install 24 medium range ballistic missile launchers and
16 longer range ones in Cuba
Each launcher would hold 2 missiles - both containing
a one megaton warheard
Soviets also sent:
42 jet bombers
42 jet fighters
24 advanced SAMs
4 elite army regiments
2 tank battalions
over 40,000 troops and other personnel
Khrushchev described this build up as 'throwing a
hedgehog down Uncle Sam's underpants'
Khrushchev's Precise motives for this aren't
clear but probably include the following
to defend Cuba from an expected US invasion
to bargain for removal of US
missiles in Turkey and Italy
to further humiliate Kennedy after Bay of Pigs failure
to put pressure on West to leave Berlin
to achieve nuclear parity with USA by making US
cities more vulnerable to attack