Physics Solar system


The basics of our solar system
Mind Map by Yujie, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Yujie almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Physics Solar system
  1. Planets
    1. Rocky/Terrestrial
      1. 1. Mercury
        1. 2. Venus
          1. 4. Mars
            1. 3. Earth
            2. Gas giants
              1. 6. Jupiter
                1. 7. Saturn
                  1. 8. Uranus
                    1. 9. Neptune
                    2. Dwarf
                      1. 5. Ceres
                        1. 10. Pluto
                          1. 11. Hammea
                            1. 12. Makemake
                              1. 13. Eris
                            2. Stars
                              1. The Sun
                                1. 300,000x mass of the Earth
                                  1. Ordinary Star
                                    1. Made of 75% Hydrogen, 24% Helium and 1% other elements
                                    2. Life of a star
                                      1. 1. A Nebula (mostly ma de of hydrogen gasses)
                                        1. 2. Protostar (gravity causes nebula to collapse)
                                          1. 3. Becomes main sequence star
                                            1. 4. Red Giant star
                                              1. 5. Planetary Nebula (outer layers of the star blow off)
                                                1. 6. White dwarf
                                                2. High mass stars
                                                  1. Become Red Super Giants
                                                    1. Eventually become too unstable and explode and form a super nova
                                                      1. 1. Neutron star
                                                        1. 2. Black hole
                                                    2. Milky Way
                                                      1. Contains 200-300 billion stars
                                                        1. Made up of stars, dust, gas and dark matter
                                                          1. Sun orbits Milky Way every 250 million years
                                                            1. Size is 100,000 light years across
                                                              1. Is a spiral galaxy
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