Persian Gulf War


Briefly describes US actions and events during the Persian Gulf War
Samantha Weitzel
Mind Map by Samantha Weitzel, updated more than 1 year ago
Samantha Weitzel
Created by Samantha Weitzel over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Persian Gulf War
  1. Occurred after Iraq invaded Kuwait, a neighboring country rich in oil
    1. Fear grew they would soon after invade Saudi Arabia
    2. Operation Desert Shield
      1. Bush persuaded other nations to join
        1. Troops moved to Saudi Arabia to prevent an invasion there
          1. Coalitions were formed by General Norman Schwarzkopf
          2. Operation Desert Storm
            1. The Iraqis refused to budge, and laser-guided missiles and bombs destroyed Iraqi forces and defenses
              1. The US bombed for 6 weeks with no success
                1. In late February, ODS began attacking the Iraqis from the side and rear while planes bombarded their positions
                  1. 100 hours later, Kuwait was liberated
                2. Results of the PGW
                  1. Thousands of Iraqis died and surrendered
                    1. Iraq accepted terms and left Kuwait
                      1. America celebrated with their troops at their quick success
                        1. US helped rebuild Kuwait
                          1. Bush's popularity skyrocketed
                          2. Vocabulary
                            1. Coalition: An alliance of groups formed to fight a common enemy or foe
                              1. Taliban: A muslim fundamentalist group active before war on terror until today
                                1. al-Qaeda: Radical Sunni terrorist organization dedicated to removing foreign presence from the Arab world
                                  1. Fundamentalist: Militant terrorists that believe any act is justified to remove America from the Arab world
                                    1. Counter-terrorism: Any act that is intended to combat terrorism
                                      1. Interim: Temporary
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