Northern Ireland's Industrial Contribution


Year 11 History Mind Map on Northern Ireland's Industrial Contribution, created by Jodi Burke on 18/05/2017.
Jodi Burke
Mind Map by Jodi Burke, updated more than 1 year ago
Jodi Burke
Created by Jodi Burke over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Northern Ireland's Industrial Contribution
  1. Sirocco Works
    1. They constructed ventilation equipment for armament factories in Britain
    2. Short and Harland
      1. This was the Aircraft factory
        1. They produced 1200 Stirling bombers and 125 Sunderland Flying Boats
        2. Harland and Wolff
          1. Produced Warships, Tanks, Gun mountings and Aircraft parts
            1. Between 1939-45 it produced 145 warships, 123 merchant ships and repaired 3000 vessels
            2. Linen Industry
              1. Produced 30 million Shirts
                1. Produced 2 million Parachutes
                2. Engineering plants
                  1. Produced shells and a third of the ropes used by the Armed forces
                  2. This in turn reduced unemployment
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