AS Physics Unit 1


Mind Map on AS Physics Unit 1, created by bainoable on 19/05/2014.
Mind Map by bainoable, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bainoable over 10 years ago

Resource summary

AS Physics Unit 1
  1. Particles and Radiation
    1. Atomic Structure
      1. Baryon- 3 Quarks
        1. Meson-Quark antiquark pair
          1. Leptons- Fundamental
          2. Stable and Unstable Nuclei
            1. Beta+ Decay
              1. Loses a Proton
              2. Beta- Decay
                1. Gains a Proton
                2. Alpha Decay
                  1. Loses a Helium Nucleus
                3. Particle Classification
                  1. Hadrons
                    1. Baryons
                      1. Mesons
                      2. Leptons
                      3. Exchange Particles
                        1. Electromagnetic Photon
                          1. Weak Force W Boson
                          2. Feynman Diagrams
                            1. Beta Plus Decay
                              1. Beta minus Decay
                                1. Electron Capture
                              2. Quantum Phenomena
                                1. Photoelectric Effect
                                  1. Light of a certain frequency or higher can start the photoelectric effect
                                    1. Photoelectric effect is where electrons are ejected from a metals surface
                                      1. Work Function is the required energy to start the effect
                                        1. Threshhold Frequency is where the energy of the light is equal to or greater than the work function
                                        2. Energy Levels
                                          1. Excitation
                                            1. Where an electron on an atom moves up a shell, further from the nucleus
                                              1. Happens when a photon or electron of the precise energy of the shell difference strikes the electron
                                                1. Becomes De-excited when the atom returns to its ground state. This releases a photon
                                                2. Ionisation
                                                  1. When an electron is struck clean out of the atom
                                              2. Current Electricity
                                                1. Definitions
                                                  1. Current is the rate of flow of charge
                                                    1. Pd is the energy per unit charge
                                                      1. Resistance is a measure of how difficult it is for current to flow
                                                      2. Equations
                                                        1. Q=IT
                                                          1. V=W/Q
                                                            1. V=IR
                                                              1. P=VI
                                                              2. (Look up line shapes for components on a V/I Graph)
                                                                1. Circuits
                                                                  1. Parallel
                                                                    1. Pd(in)=Pd(out)
                                                                      1. 1//R(total))=1/R1+1/R2...+1/Rn
                                                                      2. Series
                                                                        1. Pd Split between Components
                                                                          1. R(total)= Sum of all resistors
                                                                            1. Pd(in)=Pd(out)
                                                                          2. Facts
                                                                            1. Ohmic Conductor= Constant resistance
                                                                              1. Potential dividers use resistors to get required Pd to components
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