Foundations in Health and Safety - Definitions


NEBOSH - NGC1 Mind Map on Foundations in Health and Safety - Definitions, created by igarrow on 20/05/2014.
Mind Map by igarrow, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by igarrow almost 11 years ago
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Resource summary

Foundations in Health and Safety - Definitions
  1. Accident - an unplanned event that results in damage, loss or harm, such as when someone injures their hand when using a drill
    1. Hazard - the potential of something to cause harm, such as a drill
      1. Risk - the likelihood of something to cause harm, such as an unguarded drill
        1. Civil Law - Duties of individuals to each other
          1. Criminal Law - Duties of individuals to the State
            1. Welfare - provision of facilities to maintain health and well-being of people in the workplace, such as toilets or first aid
              1. Residual Risk - the remaining risks after controls applied
                1. Near miss - any incident that could have resulted in an accident, such as a small oil spill that was cleaned up quickly
                  1. Dangerous occurence - a near miss that could have resulted in an accident, such as scaffolding collapse in which nobody was injured
                    1. Common Law - is law based on court judgements
                      1. Statue Law - law based on Acts of Parliament
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