Unit 10 (Re)


Community and tradition
Freya Russell
Mind Map by Freya Russell, updated more than 1 year ago
Freya Russell
Created by Freya Russell over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 10 (Re)
  1. Catholics see the church as a means to faith because...
    1. The church keeps alive the true faith
      1. Handed down from Jesus and passed onto Bishops (apostolic succession
      2. The church has been given to us to help us get to heaven
        1. Church is a human society but also divine as the holy spirit guides them
        2. Catholics believe people can be saved through sacraments
          1. Through receiving the body and blood of Jesus
            1. Baptism and confirmation bring people into the church
              1. Confessing their sins helps to achieve salvation
                1. The church gives absolute truth about God and how they can be saved
                2. How do you become a saint
                  1. By dedicating their lives to doing Jesus' work
                    1. Fighting temptation and sin to follow Jesus
                      1. Putting themselves at risk to do Jesus' work
                      2. Interpreting the Bible
                        1. Fundamentalist
                          1. They take teachings literally. Never mistaken as it is the word of God
                          2. Conservative
                            1. Bible is inspired by God but it has been influenced by the writers' culture
                            2. Liberal
                              1. The message behind the story is what counts not the details
                            3. Why the bible is important to christians
                              1. Inspired by God
                                1. Tells us how God wants us to live
                                  1. Brings us closer to God
                                    1. Important to be proclaimed regularly
                                    2. The magisterium
                                      1. Inspired by the holy spirit
                                        1. Authority to guide the lives of the faithful
                                          1. Bases teachings on the Bible and tradition
                                            1. Makes sure key beliefs are not changed
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