
Methods and Approaches in ESL
Alvaro Velasquez
Mind Map by Alvaro Velasquez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jamie_howard over 8 years ago
Alvaro Velasquez
Copied by Alvaro Velasquez over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Student centered and teacher facilitated approach. Teacher's role is to provide content for authentic communication.
    1. Early Methods
      1. Suggestopedia - language taught with an emphasis on the learner's personality and motivation * create a relaxing stress free environment that would enhance language acquisition * music in the background * students would read text in their L1 * teacher would present same material in their L2 * visual aids used to support meaning * students would use conversation, retelling, and role playing to derive meaning.
        1. Natural Way - first, teacher created meaningful communication * then, teacher communicated information in targeted language in a simplified manner * language learners built comprehension skills before prompted to build language * Accepted student's
          1. Silent Way - Learners were given a simple linguistic situation to observe and describe the actions in target language * L1 was not to be used * Teacher only emphasized word pronunciation and word flow * learner developed their own criteria for listening, speaking, and correction
          2. Contemporary Methods
            1. Integrated Content Based (ICB) * teaches academic subject matter and second acquisition skills * based directly on student's academic and linguistic needs * teams of educators often develop themed units that emphasis content and language objectives across the curriculum
              1. Sheltered Instruction Method * integrate content and language in the same lesson * content objectives are aligned with the local, state, or national standards* Language objectives are linked to TESOL standards and students's L2 proficiency * students receive grade level content but teacher scaffolds instruction to provide comprehensible input
              2. Research and theory based instruction that focuses on learning language through and for communication
                1. Language learners use language to communicate for a purpose
                  1. Language development occurs when the learner receives comprehensible input and creates their own understanding in a low anxiety environment
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