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Absorption and Emission Spectra
AS level Chemistry (Elements of Life) Mind Map on Absorption and Emission Spectra, created by poppyekoronka on 21/05/2014.
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
Absorption and Emission Spectra
Energy Levels
An electron in a hydrogen atom can occupy any one of the fixed energy levels
These different energy levels are the same for all hydrogen atoms.
In the ground state, the electrons CLOSEST to the nucleus have the lowest energy.
The difference in the energy levels DECREASES as the electron moves away from the nucleus
Absorption Spectra
An absorption specctra seen on earth is the VISIBLE SPECTRUM OF LIGHT, with black lines corresponding to the absorptions of energy by the electrons
These spectra are seen from earth when atoms in the chromosphere around stars absorb light
Electrons absorb a 'photon'
Excited electrons move up to a higher energy level- they are PREMOTED. This is what produces the lines on the Absorption spectrum
The EM radiation absorbed by each hydrogen atom has a definite frequency, related to the difference in energy levels by AE=hv
Emission Spectra
Black background with coloured lines on it
These correspond to the emissions of energy by the electrons
An emission spectrum is seen when a chemical burns with a coloured flame
Electrons first absorb a 'photon'
Excited electrons move up to a higher energy level- they are premoted
Electrons then drop back to lower energy levels. This is what produces the lines on emission spectra
The E.R emitted by each H atom has a definite frequency related to the difference in energy levels by AE=hv
Since AE is different for each transition, the frequency is different for each transition, and so is the colour of the lines.
Both line spectra
Lines in the same position for each element
Lines become closer at higher frequencies
Set of lines representing transitions to a particular level
Bright lines on black background OR black lines on coloured background
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