Cominform 1947 Comecon 1949


Mind Map on Cominform 1947 Comecon 1949, created by Sophia Hinchliffe on 01/06/2017.
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Mind Map by Sophia Hinchliffe , updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Created by Sophia Hinchliffe over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Cominform 1947 Comecon 1949
  1. Cominform was an organisation made up of communist countries founded by Stalin, Comecon was a response to Marshall Aid, an economic structure from the USSR providing money to communist countries
    1. Cominform was created by Stalin to tighten his control over Eastern Europe, the group of communist countries was controlled by the USSR and gave Stalin a chance to tell them how to behave at the first meeting it was agreed all would reject Marshall aid
      1. It was Stalins attempted to other an alternative to the Marshall Plan, he said that it would help Europe work together but Stalin could not provide proper aid and instead took resources from the satellite states to help it recover
        1. The creation of Comecon (after Marshall Plan) divided Europe into two comic alliances. beginning tensions
          1. this increased soviet control
            1. Comecon forced all satellite states to have their economise to be like the USSR with government control over farms and business, it also banned trade with the West
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