Part 3


AS levels Z - English AS (Dalloway parts) Mind Map on Part 3, created by Izzy Simmons on 15/05/2013.
Izzy Simmons
Mind Map by Izzy Simmons, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Simmons
Created by Izzy Simmons over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Part 3
  1. Lady Bruton
    1. "Millicent Bruton, whose lunch parties were said to be extraordinarily amusing, had not asked her"
    2. Sally Seton
      1. "The purity, the integrity, of her feeling for Sally. It was not like one's feeling for a man"
        1. "she sat on the floor - that was her first impression"
          1. "she did shock people"
            1. "completely reckless; did the most idiotic things out of bravado... absurd"
              1. "her gift... her way with flowers"
                1. Flowers = emotions


                  • Sally was able to manipulate people's emotions (even Clarissa's father was falling for her) and since Clarissa is particularly sensitive (love of flowers in part 1) she falls deeply in love
              2. Indian context
                1. Campaigns for independence started 1921
                2. Bloomsbury set
                  1. Virginia had affair with Vita
                    1. Many homosexual relationships and affairs e.g. Duncan Grant and David Garnett
                    2. Peter
                      1. Pocket knife
                        1. "He had his knife out. That's so like him"
                          1. "What an extraordinary habit that was... always playing with a knife
                            1. "tilting his pen-knife towards her green dress"
                            2. Interrupts Clarissa in time of peace
                              1. "It was like running one's face against a granite wall"
                              2. "Why make him suffer?"
                                1. "he was a failure!"
                                  1. "Always making one feel, too, frivolous; empty-minded"
                                    1. "It was his silly unconventionality"
                                      1. "thrown by those uncontrollable forces, thrown through the air, he burst into tears"
                                      2. Clarissa
                                        1. Insecure
                                          1. "Lady Bruton asking Richard to lunch without her made the moment in which she had stood shiver"
                                            1. "He has left me; I am alone for ever"
                                            2. Virginal and innocent
                                              1. "She knew nothing about sex"
                                                1. "Like a nun withdrawing, or a child exploring a tower"
                                                  1. "an attic room... the sheets... tight stretched... narrower and narrower would her bed be"
                                                    1. "she could not dispel a virginity preserved through childbirth"
                                                      1. "It was all over for her"
                                                      2. "she had lived a lifetime in them and had run away, had lived with Peter, and it was now over"
                                                        1. Scissors


                                                          • Defensive
                                                          1. Her room


                                                            • "green linoleum" - clinical, jealousy  "tap dripping" - 
                                                          2. The dress
                                                            1. "by artificial light the green shone, but lost its colour now in the sun"
                                                              1. Clarissa's shallowness


                                                                • When you don't know her she seems charming, but when her true light shines through you see that she is not as colourful and as kind as one could believe
                                                              2. Green
                                                                1. Jealousy of others
                                                                  1. Connection to Miss Kilman
                                                                  2. As she mends it "quiet descended on her, calm, content"


                                                                    • She likes mending people, helping people
                                                                  3. Yellow hat
                                                                    1. Cowardice
                                                                    2. "they spoke of marriage always as a catastrophe"
                                                                      1. "most exquisite moment of her whole life"
                                                                        1. "Fear no more, says the heart, committing its burden to some sea"
                                                                          1. "there's nothing in the world so bad for some women as marriage, he thought; and politics; and having a Conservative husband, like the admirable Richard
                                                                            1. "their exquisite intimacy"
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