The East German Refugee Crisis


Mind Map on The East German Refugee Crisis, created by Sophia Hinchliffe on 03/06/2017.
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Mind Map by Sophia Hinchliffe , updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Created by Sophia Hinchliffe over 7 years ago

Resource summary

The East German Refugee Crisis
  1. The mass of people moving away from the east caused massive damage to the economy of east Germany
    1. Almost 2 million people (a sixth of the population) had moved away via Berlin
      1. Many young and skilled workers which the economy most needed left
        1. The crisis was also a huge embarrassment to the USSR as the flow of refugees leaving made the Soviet system look bad as it made people want to leave their homes for a better life in the west suggesting that the west was a lot better and capitalism is how the people wanted to live and communism was forced onto people and not wanted
          1. The refugees was in danger of wrecking the east of German economy therefore it had to rely completely on the Soviet Union
            1. Khruchshev was also under huge pressure and he had to find a quick and effective solution to combat the problem
              1. The other communist leaders saw this as weakness
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