Subcultures and ethnicity


A - Level Sociology (Youth Culture/Subcultures) Mind Map on Subcultures and ethnicity, created by Yasmine King on 07/06/2017.
Yasmine King
Mind Map by Yasmine King, updated more than 1 year ago
Yasmine King
Created by Yasmine King almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Subcultures and ethnicity
  1. Resistance to racism
    1. Rastafarians
      1. Hebdige
        1. black youths felt excluded and alienated form White British society, subculture was the response to this
        2. Sivanandan
          1. Gave black youths in the UK a distinctive culture separate to white culture
          2. Cashmore and Troyna
            1. Turning inwards
        3. Hybridity
          1. White Wannabes
            1. Nayak
              1. Young working class males who adopt style and language of black culture
            2. Modern Primitives
              1. Vale and Juno
                1. Modern people who do 'primitive thing'
              2. Blasians and Brasians
                1. Gill
                  1. Mix of Asian, Black and British identities
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