how did the native americans get to america? - they walked across
the land bridge called BERENGIN folloung the buffalo
when did they arrive in
america? - 11,000 - 12,000
living in a tipi = advantages: easy to move and transport, esay
to make, warm in the winter. disadvantages stuffy and hot,
flls wit smoke, easy to attack
exposure - old/sick left
behind to die need to
follow the buffalo
polygamy - marry more than one wife.
so that all women could have babies
divorce - divorce was easy, woman moves to help parents tipi, man blow a horn or
bangs a drum, it was quick so that theu could marry again and have children.
council - elder emember of the tribes met to discuss important things.
such as when to go to battle and marriage.
dancing - they danced before battle to contact the pirits to
help them. also before they hunted the buffalo
religion and the great spirit - waken tanka was he spirit who
looked over everything
what were the causes of war? - land,
horeses, honour
why were horses important? - helped to hunt the
buffalo useful in war
scalping - what and why - cut off the scalo if the enermy. so
they cannot go into the spirit world
how did they fight? - suprise, altatcks, raids
how did theu prepeare? - dance - to get help and support
of the sprit world
counting coups - what and why - touching an
enemy with a stick in battle
what natuve americans thought of the white europeans - bravery - the native americans do
not fight to the death if they know they are going to lose as
what native americans thought of the whute europeans - housing -
they think of the tribe's survival.
what white europeans througjt of the native americans - bravery -
they do fight to the death as theur family would receive a pension
they died