Objective: express an opinion as to whether
the F/S prepared in all material respects in
accordance with an applicable financial
reporting framework. whether the f/s are
preseted fairly or give a true and fair view.
Types of external audit
Statutory: By Law. prepared
annually. small companies are
revenue < 10.2M SOFP<
5.1M <50 employees.
The Audit Report. End result: accountability=
stewardship: duties of person managing another
property. Able to justify actions and accept
responsibility. protect, grow and communicate.
Unmodified= most common (T+F). Modified.
Assurance and Engagement. gain assurance of
how company is doing from external party. (PEEM)
Practioner. Express conclusion.
Enhance degree of confidence.
Measurement of subject matter.
Need (CREST)
Criteria. Report written. Evidence.
Subject matter. Third party.
Benefits: increase credibility. Decrease of bias,
error and fraud. Draws attention to abnormalities,
recommend control. Give investors added faith.
Three types of Audit
1) External 2) Internal 3) Review
Level of assurance:
reasonable=positive (1)
limited=negative (2,3)
Review and Engagement: sate whether anything
has come to the auditors attention that causes
F/S not prepared in all material respects
Limitations (When Lauren Greedy Can She Jumps:
Wording limited. Long time after y/e. Grey areas.
Control. Sampling. Judgement