All about me


Mind map
Arjay Herrera
Mind Map by Arjay Herrera, updated more than 1 year ago
Arjay Herrera
Created by Arjay Herrera over 7 years ago

Resource summary

All about me
  1. My description: Iam thin, i have brown eyes and i am of black hair and wavy
    1. Hobbies: I'm practicing freestyle fotball, I practice BMX Street and also play video games
      1. Favorite Object: My favorite object is my cicle and the PS2 (Play Station 2)
        1. Favorite Animal: My favorite animal is a cat, I have two, they are Tom and Niño
          1. Favorite person: My favorite person is my father, Is the person who supports me and often guides me, is not the perfect person but for me if it
            1. My routine: (Saturday) 7:30 - I get up 8:00 - I have breakfast 9:30 - I take shower 10:30 - I go to where my mother to take care to my sister 4:30 - I advance tasks 6:00 - I do see movies, videos or i play video games 9:00 - I go to sleep
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