Producing Goods and Services


Producing goods and services
Unicorn Sparkles
Mind Map by Unicorn Sparkles, updated more than 1 year ago
Unicorn Sparkles
Created by Unicorn Sparkles over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Producing Goods and Services
  1. Goods are physical objects.
    1. Examples: Mars Bar (CD), Cutlery (CND), Costa coffee machiene (PG).
      1. 3 main types of Goods
        1. Consumer Durable (CD) - bought by customer/consumer and multi-use
          1. Consumer Non-Durable (CND) - bought by the customer/ consumer only usable once.
            1. Producer goods (PG) - bought by the business who uses them to operate their business
      2. A service is a action to benefit the customer.
        1. Examples: School nurse (PS), window cleaner (PS), Business advisor (CS), NHS (CS)
          1. 2 main types of services
            1. Commercial service (CS) - bought and used by a business.
              1. Personal/ direct services (PS) - used by the general public
          2. Job Production
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