psychologists try to eliminate
aspects of bias from research
BUT it's an inevitable part of the
research process
Alpha bias
exaggerates or
between the
more likely to
e.g. the sociobiological theory
of relationship formation -
males try to impregnate as
many women as possible to
ensure survival but women
settle with one healthy man
sexual promiscuity in males if
genetically determined whereas
sexually promiscuous women are
'going against their nature'
Beta bias
Ignores or minimises
differences between the
usually occurs when women aren't
included in research and it's assumed
that research findings can apply
equally to both sexes
e.g. the fight or flight response - research
conducted on male animals and assumed to be
applicable to female animals - Shelley Taylor
suggested that female animals might befriend
other females and form defensive networks with
consequence of
beta bias
understanding of normal
behaviour comes from male
research = female
behaviour more likely to be
judged as abnormal
female commentators have objected to the
idea of PMS i.e. it's a social construction that
allows men to medicalise female emotions -
male anger, on the other hand, is often a
rational response to external pressures
gender-biased research may create misleading
assumptions about female behaviour, fail to
challenge negative stereotypes and validate
discriminatory practices
i.e. using scientific justification to
'prop up' gender discrimination
gender bias is not only a
methodological problem but may
have damaging consequences that
affect the lives of real women e.g.
women twice as likely to be
diagnosed with depression than
female concerns aren't reflected in the
research questions as more
psychologists are men, plus men are
more likely to have their research
female participants + male researcher
who has the power to label her
unreasonable and irrational
psychology may be guilty of
supporting a form of institutional
sexism that creates bias in theory
and research
psychologists use gender bias as
a critical part of their research
e.g. Dambrin and Lambert, in
their study about the lack of
women in executive positions,
ask women how their
gender-related experiences
influence their reading of events
reflexivity is important in
psychology and may lead to greater
awareness of the role of personal
biases in shaping future research
gender differences are
based on an essentialist
perspective - gender
differences are inevitable
and 'fixed in nature'
Walkerdine reports how 'scientific'
research in the 1930s revealed that
attending uni can shrivel a woman's
ovaries and reduce their chances of
giving birth
essentialist accounts are based
on political perspectives
disguised as fact, thus creating
a double standard
feminist commentators e.g.
Worrell put forward criteria
that should be adhered to
to avoid gender bias
women should be studied
in real-life contexts and
participate in research -
instead of being the
subjects of study
diversity between women
should be studied instead of
comparing women with men