Explanations for improvements in girls' achievements


A - Level Sociology (Education ) Mind Map on Explanations for improvements in girls' achievements, created by Yasmine King on 17/06/2017.
Yasmine King
Mind Map by Yasmine King, updated more than 1 year ago
Yasmine King
Created by Yasmine King over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Explanations for improvements in girls' achievements
  1. Changes in attitude
    1. Sharpe
      1. Girls priorities and aspirations have changed from 70's to the 90's
      2. Francis and Skelton
        1. Girls saw their futures identities in terms of careers rather than seeking employment as a stop gap between marriage
        2. Beck
          1. Risk society- girls are more 'individualised' and focus more on their own needs- self sufficiency
        3. Equal opportunity programmes
          1. Mitsos and Browne
            1. State programmes have improved things for girls
              1. Equal Pay Act 1970
                1. GIST/ WISE
                2. Arnot
                  1. Growing numbers of female teachers providing positive role models for girls to encourage success
                3. Girls socialise in bedrooms
                  1. Home environment is more conducive to learning
                    1. McRobbie
                      1. Bedroom culture
                      2. Oakley
                        1. 4 key processes- the feminine traits produced are conducive to learning
                      3. Feminisation of the workplace
                        1. Mac an Ghail
                          1. Traditional manual jobs have gone
                          2. Mitsos and Browne
                            1. State the above have been replaced with service sector work
                          3. Changes in the education system
                            1. McRobbie and Oakley
                              1. This could be linked to gender socialisation being organised etc
                              2. Education Reform Act
                                1. Saw the introduction of coursework subjects
                                2. GIST / WISE
                                  1. Aimed to get girls into traditionally masculine subjects
                                3. The women's movement and Feminism
                                  1. Sharpe
                                    1. Girls aspirations have changed from 70's to 90's
                                    2. Mitsos and Browne
                                      1. Feminism has raised expectations and self esteem, women are more likely to aspire for more
                                      2. Arnott
                                        1. Growing number of female teachers providing positive role models for girls to encourage success
                                        2. Equal Pay Act 1970 + Sew Discrimination Act 1975
                                        3. Evaluation
                                          1. Underachieving Girls
                                            1. Archer
                                              1. Sexualised hyer feminine girls, feel it is more important to look good for boys. Achieving is not the priority
                                              2. Jackson
                                                1. Laddettes girls form subcultures and underachieve
                                              3. Subject choice
                                                1. Skelton
                                                  1. Patriarchal curriculum
                                                  2. Kelly
                                                    1. Science is packaged for boys
                                                    2. Colley
                                                      1. Subject preferences
                                                    3. Social class and ethnic divisions
                                                      1. Jackson
                                                        1. Girls are resisting patriarchy those who do this do not achieve (Working Class)
                                                        2. Mirza
                                                          1. Resisting labels from teachers. They try to do well in spite
                                                          2. Hendessi
                                                            1. Ignored as they do not cost the government money
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