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(Hamlet) Mind Map on Hamlet, created by zoe_wilkins91 on 16/05/2013.
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Act I
It's a cold night at Elsinore, the Danish royal castle
Bernardo takes over from Francisco, and he's joined by Horatio (Hamlet's best friend)
They tell Horatio they've seen a ghost of the dead King Hamlet
Hamlet decides to go see the Ghost himself
Laertes is returning to France while Hamlet couts Ophelia. Polonius and Laertes fear he is not genuine about her
The Ghost lures Hamlet to a private place and tells him that Claudius murdered him/his father. Hamlet vows to avenge him
Act II
Orphelia worries about Hamlet, and tells Polonius that he ran in her room to stare at her silently
Polonius takes it that he is ecstatically in love and tells her not to worry
Claudius sends two men to watch Hamlet, as he's concerned about his erratic behaviour
Hamlet realises they are there to spy on him, and sends them away
When the troupe of actors arrive, Hamlet arranges for them to put on a play depicting the King's death
Claudius listens to Ophelia and Hamlet speaking, as he contemplates suicide
Hamlet rejects Ophelia
During the play, Hamlet takes Claudius leaving as an admission of guilt
While in Gertrude's closet arguing, Polonius fears for the Queen's safety and leaps out. Hamlet stabs him, thinking it was Claudius
Claudius sends him on a one-way trip to England, where he hopes he'll meet his death
While arguing over Polonius' death, the Ghost enters and Hamlet's communication with him convinces all he is truly mad.
Act IV
Gertrude and Claudius speak of Hamlet's madness, and sending him away.
Hamlet refuses to give the location of Polonius' body away, although eventually does
Hamlet learns he is to go to England, and reminds himself of his vow to avenge his father's death
Ophelia wanders the castle with flowers, singing and deluded. Laertes returns from France to comfort her
Claudius convinces Laertes it's Hamlet's fault, but news arrives that he is alive and returning to Denmark
They concoct a plan to murder Hamlet using poison and a poisoned sword, in an 'accident' during a fencing match
Ophelia drowns herself
Act V
Gravediggers discuss Ophelia's suicide, and the funeral procession arrives as Hamlet converses with them
Distraught at the lack of ceremony and Hamlet's outburst of love, Laertes and Hamlet fight in the grave
During the fencing match, Gertrude accidentally drinks the poisoned wine. She cries she's been poisoned before dying.
Laertes strikes Hamlet with the poisoned sword and Hamlet uses the poisoned sword against him.
Laertes reveals the plot as they die, and Hamlet forces Claudius to drink and be cut, to ensure he dies and his father is avenged
Horatio goes to kill himself, but Hamlet stops him so someone can live to tell the story
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