Impact of the Depression 1931-39


A mind map summarising all the key details of the impact of the Depression for EdExcel GCSE History A Unit 3: Modern World Source Enquiry - War and the transformation of British society 1931-51.
Matthew T
Mind Map by Matthew T, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew T
Created by Matthew T over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Impact of the Depression 1931-39
  1. Unemployment figures
    1. 1931: National unemployment 23%
      1. Worst hit areas higher than 60% unemployment
        1. Badly affected areas
          1. Motherwell
            1. Jarrow
              1. Maryport
                1. Liverpool + Greater Manchester
                  1. West Midlands
                    1. Merthyr Tydfil
                  2. Government measures
                    1. National Government - Coalition
                      1. Unemployment benefit
                        1. Means test 1931
                          1. Designed to cut unemployment benefit
                            1. Families forced to reveal savings + earnings
                              1. Value of items measured
                              2. Import Duties Act 1932
                                1. Price of foreign goods increased
                                  1. Attempt to stimulate industry
                                  2. Special Areas Act 1934
                                    1. Some areas badly affected
                                      1. Commissioners sent to attract new industries to areas
                                    2. Effectiveness of measures
                                      1. Means test
                                        1. Humiliating for families
                                          1. Created poverty
                                            1. Inconsistent
                                            2. Unemployment benefit
                                              1. Provided sustenance
                                                1. Didn't encourage work
                                                2. Import Duties Act
                                                  1. Benefits in South
                                                    1. Little effect in North (more unemployment)
                                                      1. Additional taxes - difficult to export
                                                      2. Special Areas Act
                                                        1. Success in Team Valley
                                                          1. Only 15,000 jobs
                                                            1. Reluctance of companies to move to special areas
                                                              1. Impossible to replace heavy industry
                                                              2. Rearmament + revival in trade lowered unemployment to 1mn
                                                              3. Causes and effects of unemployment
                                                                1. Causes
                                                                  1. Traditional policies rather than Keynesian policies
                                                                    1. Foreign competition in new industries
                                                                      1. Less demand for British goods
                                                                        1. Industries inefficient
                                                                          1. US economy collapsed
                                                                          2. Effects
                                                                            1. High poverty - Rowntree's survey 72.6% below poverty line in York
                                                                              1. Health issues - diet very poor
                                                                                1. Psychological impacts
                                                                              2. Jarrow Crusade 1936
                                                                                1. Causes
                                                                                  1. Jarrow dependent on Palmer's shipyard
                                                                                    1. Orders dried up 1930
                                                                                      1. National Shipbuilders' Security Ltd. - buy small yards + scrap them
                                                                                        1. 1934 Palmer's closed
                                                                                          1. Unemployment 80%
                                                                                          2. Events
                                                                                            1. Petition drawn up demanding right to work
                                                                                              1. 200 men selected to march
                                                                                                1. Well-disciplined, led by MP Ellen Wilkinson
                                                                                                  1. Accommodated by townspeople
                                                                                                  2. Results
                                                                                                    1. Plight of Jarrow publicised
                                                                                                      1. Marchers praised for discipline
                                                                                                        1. Returned heroes
                                                                                                          1. Some work in Team Valley
                                                                                                            1. Baldwin refused to present petition
                                                                                                              1. No work + unemployment benefit stopped
                                                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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