Cognitive Approach Overview


A Level Psychology Mind Map on Cognitive Approach Overview, created by Jordan van Steenderen on 30/06/2017.
Jordan van Steenderen
Mind Map by Jordan van Steenderen, updated more than 1 year ago
Jordan van Steenderen
Created by Jordan van Steenderen over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Cognitive Approach Overview
  1. The study of internal mental processes
    1. Cognitive primacy
      1. Only uses people and scientific experimentation
        1. Cannot be directly observed- inferences made
        2. Theoretical and computer models to explain mental processes
          1. The information processing approach
            1. We approach info in linear, systematic way
              1. Eg. Stimulus--> STM---> LTM---> Retrieval etc
            2. The computer analogy
              1. Sees human minds similiar to computers
                1. "Central processing unit" and use of "coding"
            3. The role of schema
              1. Mental/cognitive structure which contains knowledge about an object/person/activity
                1. Developed by Jean Piaget
                  1. Bartlett (1932)- big role in how memories encoded. Used to simplify the world, however creates stereotypes
                  2. The emergence of cognitive neuroscience
                    1. Searches for neuroanatomical, chemical and/or mechanisms responsible for cognitive processes
                      1. Looks for physical basis of cognitive processes
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