
Is a mental map about the life and adventures of Don Quixote.
Mind Map by EVELYN GARCIA, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by EVELYN GARCIA over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Many years ago in spain, a man called "the good Lord Quixana" for all who knew him did so many strange things that diverted ah everyone except his friends.
    1. Mr. Quixana had no wife or child
      1. He lived witch his niece in his niece in his country house.
        1. Near a quiet village in the province of La Mancha.
      2. The man was over fifty years old, he was thin, quite tall, his face was thin, his nose was long, his hair was gray.
        1. His appearance was nothing like a gentleman even so he yearned to be
        2. He wore a thick blouse and blue pants during the week just to wander around his house
          1. Without change on Sundays, a layer of plush and short velvet breeches and soft slippers with silver buckles is punished.
          2. The Lord read many stories of knights, magic, witches, maidens and coasas of the style, this I take you want to live what I read in his books.
            1. It was as well as I started it all, Mr. Quixana among his things I found a shield which I use.
              1. Also a sword and a cloak.
                1. And as every knight dve have a horse in had his .
                  1. An old, skinny horse from his barn.
                    1. The horse I call rocinante that means "common horse"
                2. Also a sword and a cape And as every knight dve have a horse in had his An old, skinny horse from his barn The horse called it rocinante meaning "horse co Also was named Don Quixote of the Mancha, by its age, in its name and by where it lived.
                  1. Don Quixote thought he needed a maiden, so his beloved was Dulcinea del Toboso, his name was Adonza Lorenzo
                  2. His first adventure was when there was a hill where there was an inn.
                    1. He thought it was a castle with a maiden to save but it was only an inn where he was housed.
                    2. The knight Don Quixote also took with him an assistant and good friend Sancho Pansa.
                      1. The best adventure for Don Quixote, Rocinate and Sancho Pansa was the adventure with the farmer.
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