Decisions Unit: Part 1 Colonial Era


4th grade Social Studies Mind Map on Decisions Unit: Part 1 Colonial Era, created by Miranda Lambourne on 10/07/2017.
Miranda Lambourne
Mind Map by Miranda Lambourne, updated more than 1 year ago
Miranda Lambourne
Created by Miranda Lambourne over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Decisions Unit: Part 1 Colonial Era


  •  English Language Arts standards addressed throughout unit: [ELA 4.1b-h; 4.2a-d; 4.4e; 4.5 c,d,f,h,j; 4.6a-j; 4.7a-d,f,g,jk; 4.9a-e]   
  1. 2. What will we need? Human Needs VS4e VS3d


    • VS3d - 1619 General Assembly - provided for safety needs. How will your settlement be governed to make all your group members feel safe?
    1. a) Maslow's hierarchy VS4 e
      1. b) Economics: Limited Resources VS3a,f
        1. c) Reasons for Colonization VS3a
        2. PBL Entry Event


          • Set the scene of early 16th century London? Then read a letter aloud from a cousin in the Jamestowne colony. The recipient of the letter is each student in the room. The cousin describes the conditions and tells the "readers" that they would do a better job than the leaders of Jamestowne and urges the reader to garner investments and come and make their fortune in VA - ? include a map of VA and hearsay from Indians about different regions to explore.
          • Driving Question:   How can you, as a colonial era entrepreneur, convince investors, to finance a new settlement in a new location in Virginia?   
          1. 1. How to write a successful business plan: Guest speaker [ELA 4.2b; 4.1b,c]


            • Connect to persuasive writing 
            1. 5. Where? 5 Regions of VA Virtual Field Trip VS1i; VS2b, c [Comp/Tech 3-5.7]
              1. Geographic features VS4c, VS3b
                1. Transportation VS2c
                  1. Climate [Science 4.6a-c]
                    1. Natural Resources [Science 4.9a-d]


                      • What natural resources were sold for profit in colonial era?
                      1. Who lives here already? VS2d
                      2. 3. Mistakes are where new learning happens. What can we learn from Jamestown? VS1a-i; VS3f [Visual Arts 4.18-9; [Health 4.1c,h,i,j & 4.2r]]
                        1. Location, location VS3b
                          1. Need for better collaboration VS3f
                            1. Agriculture, Habitats, human impact on the land VS3a; VS4a,f; [Science 4.5d,f]
                              1. Spread of disease VS3f [Health 4.1j]
                                1. More diverse population/workforce VS3e,f; VS4a
                                  1. Successful businesses VS3a VS4e
                                    1. Interaction with Indians VS3f,g
                                    2. 4. We Are Collaborators: How can we work better with Indian tribes? VS1b; VS2e; VS3g


                                      • Individualistic vs. collectivistic What do they want? How can we help them? How can they help us? Two way collaboration. Compromises. Learn from each other
                                      1. 6. Creating the Plan [Comp/Tech 3.5 7,10,11; Math 4.14; ELA 4.7a-d,f,g,jk; 4.9a-e]
                                        1. What:Product? VS4a


                                          • How will you make your fortune? What natural resources will you use to make your product e.g. tobacco, timber, 
                                          1. Who: workforce VS3e VS4a


                                            • What will your workforce/population look like? Diversity - women, craftsmen, leaders, workers - indentured servants vs. slaves etc
                                            1. How:
                                              1. Money, barter, credit VS4d
                                                1. Tools, imports VS3f
                                                  1. Transportation plan VS2c


                                                    • Must include how to get workforce and imports there and how to export product back
                                                  2. Where VS3b, VS4c
                                                    1. Why


                                                      • Persuade investors - persuasive writing.
                                                      1. When VS1f


                                                        • Timeline. When in the colonial era are you planning to make your settlement - what events will you need to consider. Who has already settled the area by the time you are planning to move there etc. How long will it take to get there, set up, and make a return on the investment.
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