the multistore model Atkinson & Shiffrin


a level psychology (cognitive) Mind Map on the multistore model Atkinson & Shiffrin, created by Ashleigh Weldon on 17/05/2013.
Ashleigh Weldon
Mind Map by Ashleigh Weldon, updated more than 1 year ago
Ashleigh Weldon
Created by Ashleigh Weldon over 11 years ago

Resource summary

the multistore model Atkinson & Shiffrin
  1. capacity
    1. short term memory
      1. Joseph Jacobs
        1. found average recall to be 7+-2 items
          1. presented numbers and asked for immediate recall
            1. lacks mundane realism - lab study
              1. this would mean we are unable to remember words longer than 9 letters
                1. so miller said out stm can hold 7+-2 chunks of information, and personal experience would determine what was a meaningful chunk
              2. the recency effect
                1. you remember the most recent chunks more than others
                  1. this is not always the case
                2. long term memory
                  1. the capacity is hard to measure
                    1. it seems to be infinite
                      1. some people seem to be able to recall lots of detail for many years, other people not so much
                    2. duration
                      1. short term memory
                        1. Peterson & Peterson
                          1. used trigrams to test stm duration
                            1. found worse recall after longer delay
                              1. memory in stm is fragile and easily forgotten
                                1. lacks mundane realism
                                  1. doesn't account for the duration of pictures, sounds or smells
                                2. long term memory
                                  1. Bahrick et al
                                    1. found 90% accuracy for recalling faces and names 34 years after leaving school, and 80% accuracy for names and 40% for faces 48 years after leaving school
                                    2. ltm duration is possibly infinite
                                      1. hard to test = just because you can't think of something at the time doesn't mean its been forgotten
                                    3. encoding
                                      1. Baddeley
                                        1. stm is acoustic coding
                                          1. worse recall if the words sound similar
                                          2. ltm is semantic coding
                                            1. worse recall if words have similar meanings
                                            2. did not take account of visual cues
                                              1. Posner
                                                1. said that visual information is important. it is easier to identify A and A as being the same as A and a
                                            3. evaluation
                                              1. strengths
                                                1. defines stm and ltm
                                                  1. evidence from different encoding
                                                    1. definite differences in capacity between stm and ltm
                                                      1. different durations in stm and ltm been proven
                                                      2. weaknesses
                                                        1. overemphasis on rehearsal. maybe in lab but too consciously in real life
                                                          1. lacks description. how does info go from acoustic to semantic coding?
                                                            1. info probably contacts ltm before rehearsal in stm, this is not explained by model
                                                              1. reductionist and oversimplified
                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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