St Louis Blues-Handy


A Levels Music (Jazz and Blues) Mind Map on St Louis Blues-Handy, created by hannahturner9 on 01/06/2014.
Mind Map by hannahturner9, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannahturner9 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

St Louis Blues-Handy
  1. Context
    1. 1914
      1. Handy is known as Father of the Blues
      2. Rhythm
        1. 3-2 Clave rhythm with an Afro Cuban feel.
          1. Similar to Habenera, like Bizet's Carmen
            1. Syncopated and Swung
            2. Structure
              1. 12 bar blues
                1. Intro (A) (A) (B Intro manipulated) (A)x5
                2. Melody
                  1. Based on chords G minor and D7
                    1. (A) D pentatonic scale-Flattened 3rd and 7th
                    2. Instruments
                      1. Trombone, Muted trumpet, Clarinet and Sax
                        1. Piano, Double Bass, Cymbal, Woodblock
                        2. Texture
                          1. Call and Response.
                            1. Solo and Comping
                            2. Harmony
                              1. Intro-G Minor-D7 (A)-12 bar blues in G major
                                1. Use of the secondary dominant in Bar 10 gives the piece a major and minor pull
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