Have been damaged by past practices such as intensive drainage and repeated burning
Over the last four years, Snowdonia National Park Authority has been involved with
several projects focussed on restoring some of the fantastic peatlands of Snowdonia.
Benefits e.g: storing carbon due to the anaerobic conditions found in
healthy functioning peat bodies.
Now cover over 2000 hectares of
Snowdonia National park
The National Park Authority, the National Trust
and other conservation organisations and
private landowners have all been involved in the
removal of the invasive species
The plant damages the fragile
eco-system because the dense
evergreen foliage means few plants
can compete against them
4 million that visit Snowdonia every year have
to keep to the footpaths
Cost a lot of money to
They have caused erosion of the ground, and they destroy
the habitat and create barriers between habitats
Moisture levels
Snowdonia is home to a wide range of habitats and species
Over exploitation of natural resources,
habitat fragmentation and pollution have
caused moisture levels to drop in
Damage from severe weather events such as winter storms, flooding events,
wild fires and drought have caused complications for flora and fauna