To Kill A Mockingbird - Chapter 4-6


GCSE English Literature Mind Map on To Kill A Mockingbird - Chapter 4-6, created by ashleighwigley on 18/05/2013.
Mind Map by ashleighwigley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ashleighwigley over 11 years ago

Resource summary

To Kill A Mockingbird - Chapter 4-6
  1. Jem & Scout find gifts that are left by Boo Radley, apparently for them in the knothole of a tree.
    1. The following summer, Dill returns and Jem accidentally pushes Scout in a car tire into the Radley's yard.
      1. Scout is terrified by this
      2. The three act out of spooky stories about Boo.
        1. Jem tries to deliver a message to Boo with a fishing pole, Atticus stops them and tries to make them more considerate.
        2. On the last day of the holidays, the three sneak onto the Radley's property at night.
          1. Nathen, Boos older brother shoots at them as they try to escape.
            1. Jem loses his trousers
              1. When Jem returns for his trousers they are repaired and folded, hung over the fence, waiting for him.
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