To Kill A Mocking Bird - Chapters 7-8


GCSE English Literature Mind Map on To Kill A Mocking Bird - Chapters 7-8, created by ashleighwigley on 18/05/2013.
Mind Map by ashleighwigley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ashleighwigley over 11 years ago

Resource summary

To Kill A Mocking Bird - Chapters 7-8
  1. That Autumn, Jem and Scout find more gifts in the knothole
    1. A Watch, a spelling medal and soap figures were left, they decided it must be Boo leaving the gifts.
    2. Just when they was about to deliver a thank you note, Nathan cements the hole up.
      1. One very cold night, there is a fire at Mrs Maudie's
        1. Jem and Scout were shivering outside.
          1. Somebody put a blanket over Scout
            1. Jem was convinced it was Boo and he told Atticus about the presents and mending his trousers.
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