Core 1.10 Polymers (Plastics)


GCSE Edexcel New Specification Mind Map on Core 1.10 Polymers (Plastics), created by T Andrews on 30/07/2017.
T Andrews
Mind Map by T Andrews, updated more than 1 year ago
T Andrews
Created by T Andrews about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Core 1.10 Polymers (Plastics)
  1. 1.10.1 Thermo-forming polymers
    1. Acrylic
      1. High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS)
        1. Biodegradable Polymers (Biopol®)
        2. 1.10.2 Thermosetting Polymers
          1. Polyester Resin
            1. Urea Formaldehyde
            2. 1.10.3 Properties
              1. Insulator
                1. Heat
                  1. Electricity
                  2. Toughness
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