To Kill A Mockingbird - Chapters 26-28


GCSE English Literature Mind Map on To Kill A Mockingbird - Chapters 26-28, created by ashleighwigley on 18/05/2013.
Mind Map by ashleighwigley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ashleighwigley over 11 years ago

Resource summary

To Kill A Mockingbird - Chapters 26-28
  1. Back at school, Scout learns about Hitler and the Jews. She is amazed that no one in Maycomb is able to connect that with racism in the town.
    1. Mr Ewell tries to break into Judge Taylor's house and menaces Tom's widow.
      1. Jem and Scout attend a Halloween pageant at school.
        1. Subject to history of Maycomb county.
          1. Scout is dressed as a shoulder of ham.
            1. She misses her entry on stage and decides to keep her costume on the walk home in, to hide her embarrassment.
              1. it is a dark night, Jem realises they are being followed.
                1. They are both attacked, Jem brakes his arm, Scout is squashed inside her costume.
                  1. Someone carries Jem home.
                    1. The attacker was Mr Ewell, he was found dead with a knife in his ribs.
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