Specifc Topic 7.4 Timber (Impacts)


GCSE Edexcel New Specification Mind Map on Specifc Topic 7.4 Timber (Impacts), created by T Andrews on 01/08/2017.
T Andrews
Mind Map by T Andrews, updated more than 1 year ago
T Andrews
Created by T Andrews over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Specifc Topic 7.4 Timber (Impacts)
  1. 7.4.1 Forces and strengths
    1. Internal natural forces
      1. Shear
        1. Pre-stressed construction beams
          1. Tension
            1. Compression
            2. 7.4.2 Reinforcement/stiffening techniques
              1. Frame structures
                1. Embedding composite materials
                  1. Fabrication/assembly/construction processes
                    1. Braces and tie bars
                      1. Lamination
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