Revenue from tax is paid into the government's account at the central bank and payments by
government for goods and services are made out of this account
Operates as a banker to the commercial banks
Holding accounts in the central bank enables commercial banks to settle debts between each other and
to draw out cash, if their own customers are taking more cash from their branches than usual
Acts as a lender of last resort
Central banks lend to banks which are temporarily out of cash
Manages the national debt
The national debt is how much the government owes and overtime this builds up. The central bank carries
out borrowing on behalf of the government by issuing government securities, for instance government
bonds, pays interest on these and repays them when they fall due.
Holds the country's reserves and foreign currency
The central bank keeps foreign currency and gold to influence the exchange rate
Issues bank notes
The central bank is responsible for printing notes and destroying notes that are no longer suitable or distribution
and circulation. The central bank also authorises the minting of coins.
Implements the government's monetary policy
The monetary policy has the prime aim of keeping inflation low and steady. This involves controlling the money supply and
influencing interest rates throughout the economy, by changing the interest rate it charges on its loans. The government may
instruct the central bank to increase or decrease the money supply. In some cases, central banks implements interest rate changes
decided by their respective governments. In other cases, central banks have been given the responsibility to set interest rates.
Controls the banking system
Many central banks play a key role in regulating and supervising the banking system,
Represents the government
In meetings with the central banks and international organisations such as the World
Bank and the International Monetary Fund