1893 Came to work in JHB and lived in SA for 21 yrs
@ that time Africans & Indians were discriminated against. Had
to carry ID/ Pass books and travel on seperate trains
Devised new method to respond to racial discrimination = Satyagraha = Steadfastness in truth
Stooped buying products from Britain & fasted
1915 - Back to India & declared a national hero. Called 'Mahatma' = 'Great Soul'
Helped the weak & oppressed then
was arrested by the Britsih
Most people in India = Hindu . Muslim people worried about political power if
India became independent from Britain. This caused violence between them
The British ruled India & SA
12 March 1930 - Started 23
-day march to coast. Called Salt
March = Protest against British
Salt tax
30 Jan 1948 - 78yr old Gandhi on way to prayer meeting. Young Hindu man = Nathuram Godse shot
Gandhi 3 times. He had survived 5 assassination attempts. Now died