The Life of a Cowboy


Part of GCSE History course, American West. Looks at the lives of cowboys, the dangers they faced, their job and reasons for them, and opinions on the cowboys.
I Turner
Mind Map by I Turner, updated more than 1 year ago
I Turner
Created by I Turner almost 11 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

The Life of a Cowboy
  1. Why did they move?
    1. Money
      1. Get away from home
        1. Farming
          1. Pressurising families
            1. Boredom
              1. Escape
              2. Uneducated and Illiterate
                1. No other oportunities
              3. Dangers
                1. Conflict with Indians
                  1. Conflict with Homesteaders
                    1. Johnson County War
                    2. Cattle Stolen
                      1. Injury
                      2. Cattle stampedes
                        1. Extreme weather conditions
                          1. Thick dust
                          2. Daily lives
                            1. Handling large cattle heards
                              1. Away from home for 3-4 months
                                1. Extremely hot
                                2. Ranching
                                  1. Ride the Line
                                    1. Mend Fences
                                      1. Boredom
                                      2. Cowboy's decline
                                        1. Seen as Savage
                                          1. Links to views of Indians
                                          2. Unpredictable
                                            1. Don't consider results
                                            2. People threatened by them
                                            3. The Job
                                              1. Drove the longhorns to markets in the north
                                                1. Traded Cattle for money
                                                  1. Average crew had 11 men
                                                    1. They would protect eachother
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