How did Stalin glorify his position in history to enhance his position in the USSR and why?


GCSE History Mind Map on How did Stalin glorify his position in history to enhance his position in the USSR and why?, created by jeacur on 19/05/2013.
Mind Map by jeacur, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jeacur over 11 years ago

Resource summary

How did Stalin glorify his position in history to enhance his position in the USSR and why?
  1. Stalin had to rewrite history to glorify his own part in the past, especially the Bolshevik revolution
    1. He also had to remove "enemies such as Trotsky and other leading Bolsheviks
      1. He did this by having photos doctored so that these people were removed from Soviet history
        1. At the same time, new photographs and histories were created, emphasizing Stalin's role especially his apparent close links with Lenin, who was still treated as a god in Soviet society
          1. He did this because he would then be associated with all the successes of the USSR, and would be seen as as great leader himself
    2. Socialist realism
      1. Was where music, art and plays all had to be intelligible to the ordinary person, and anything abstract was frowned upon
        1. It helped to develop and create Stalin's positive image because:
          1. All aspects of culture would show the success of Communism
            1. It would show that the USSR was a happy and fulfilling country for its citezens
          2. Censorship
            1. The purpose was to show the people, through every aspect of culture that Communism was working
              1. And that the USSR was a good place to live.
                1. Furthermore, it removed opposing opinions than that of Stalin, which was important as it meant he had complete control, and showed he was a good leader
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