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Public Opinion and Media


Mind Map on Public Opinion and Media, created by jaime0109 on 19/05/2013.
Mind Map by jaime0109, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jaime0109 almost 12 years ago
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Resource summary

Public Opinion and Media
  1. What is public opinion
    1. Role of public opinion
      1. democratic process
        1. Lewis (2001) illusion/ impression of public participation
          1. Beniger (1992) Impact on politics, economics, societies
          2. Public Sphere
            1. Noelle-Neumann (1984) - public opinion are views that can be safely discussed in public


              • emphasis on the process but not the outcome
              1. Habermas (1989)


                • -public opinion only when public sphere exist -but there is collapse of public sphere
            2. Criticisms of public opinion
              1. Representativeness
                1. Sampling
                  1. Is it representative ?
                  2. Who produced the polls
                    1. Lewis (2001) Market-led


                      • MORI - private company, serve clients
                    2. Do people give true answers
                    3. Bourdieu (1979)


                      • -public opinion does not exist   -assumptions made are wrong -nature of engagemnet -X objectivity
                      1. Herbst (1992)


                        • - opinion polls establishes 'artificial political environment' - polls results are superficiale.g. Thomas-Hill Controversy 
                        1. Habermas (1989)


                          • - public opinion only exist when there is public sphere - opinion polls are not expression of democracy--> corrupt the nature of the process 
                          1. Entman and Herbst (2001)


                            • -Useful Fiction shaped by media  -mass media do not necessarily capture the true thinking of people  -public opinion includes a variety of individual preferences --> difficult to aggregate and measure--> manipulation?? -the very nature of public opinion is deployed--> less depth, less credible 
                            1. Blumer (1948)


                              • -manufacture public opinion rather than represent
                              1. Lewis (2001)


                                • -PO as a product of the pollster's imagination -the use of wording, questions directions will affect the outcome   -interpretation, and intervention from pollsters and media  -opinion polls focus on outcome rather than the process
                              2. Typologies of opinion (Entman and Herbst, 2001)
                                1. Mass opinion


                                  • -aggregation or summation of individual preference as tabulated through polls, referendum and elections -democratic -simple -low information rationality -unstable and superficial-media is influencial -Blumer (1948) MO is useless 
                                  1. Activated opinion


                                    • -opinions of engaged, informed and organised citizens -media is not that influential -ideal for democracy -not representative
                                    1. Latent Opinion


                                      • -fleeting and superficial opinions -unstated opinion --> feeling people have deep inside -shifting opinion -important opinion -difficult to measure, elusive
                                      1. Perceived Majority


                                        • -comprehensive preference of the majority of public -media shape the views? --> asserting the public hold a particular view  -response may be affected by media use 
                                      2. Definition
                                        1. Entman and Herbst


                                          • -comprehensive preference of the majority of individuals on a particular issue
                                          1. Lewis


                                            • -quantitative survey -changing rambling, soft views and turn them into hard figures and percentages
                                        2. Media - The (Re)presentation of public opinion
                                          1. The Role of media
                                            1. Public Sphere
                                              1. the fourth estate
                                              2. Impact
                                                1. Political process
                                                  1. Lewis (2004) Elitist Agenda
                                                    1. Weaver (1994) Agenda setting
                                                    2. Democracy
                                                      1. Are public's voice being heard?
                                                    3. Is public opinion well presented in a democratic society?
                                                      1. Mediated communication, presentation
                                                        1. How do media construct public opinion
                                                          1. Reasons and factors
                                                            1. Beniger (1992) - media report on polls because of routine public issues and dramatic effects
                                                              1. Economic and Political Interests
                                                                1. Lewis (2004) Journalistic values and conventions
                                                                2. Through what ways
                                                                  1. Example??
                                                                    1. Public opinion on declaring war on Iraq
                                                                      1. EU referendum
                                                                        1. Scottish Independence Referendum
                                                                        2. The way they construct questions
                                                                          1. Lewis (2004)Zaller (1992) Question Wording


                                                                            • Condition set choice of words
                                                                          2. The way they report /present / interpret poll results
                                                                            1. Entman and Herbst (2001) Framing


                                                                              • -mediated communication - select, highlight, omit some aspects
                                                                            2. Creating an environment that will affect public mind
                                                                              1. Lewis (2004) intensive coverage on events
                                                                          3. Reasons why the public can be manipulated
                                                                            1. Noelle-Neumann (1984) Spiral of Silence
                                                                              1. Message controlled by media and elite
                                                                                1. Lack of competence
                                                                          4. New method in solving the flaws of opinion polls
                                                                            1. Deliberative Polling
                                                                              1. Definition and aims
                                                                                1. Characteristics and Process
                                                                                  1. Knowledgeable
                                                                                    1. Interactive
                                                                                      1. Deliberative
                                                                                        1. 1. Sample chosen and polled
                                                                                          1. 2.sample transported to a place
                                                                                            1. 3. Balanced briefing materials are given
                                                                                              1. 4.Engage in small group discussion
                                                                                                1. 5.Debates are broadcasted
                                                                                                  1. 6. Poll again
                                                                                                  2. Does it work?
                                                                                                    1. Strengths
                                                                                                      1. Public became knowledgeable
                                                                                                        1. Democratic society?
                                                                                                          1. Fair starting point
                                                                                                          2. Weakness
                                                                                                            1. Cost
                                                                                                              1. Biased presentation
                                                                                                                1. Info Pack
                                                                                                                  1. Moderator
                                                                                                                  2. Representativeness of poll results
                                                                                                                    1. Are there any interest?
                                                                                                                      1. Are people being affected by others rather than after discussions?
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