The causes and course of the war


A-Levels History (Boer War) Mind Map on The causes and course of the war, created by elspeth on 20/05/2013.
Mind Map by elspeth, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elspeth over 11 years ago

Resource summary

The causes and course of the war
  1. Causes of the war
    1. Strategic
      1. British were interested in expanding their empire in Southern Africa
        1. Africa was of key strategic importance because it was a trade route to England
          1. They didn't want the Boers to join their territories to the German posessions nearby
          2. Gold
            1. Boer regions became attractive to British miners
              1. Gold was discovered in 1886
                1. British felt that with this new wealth Boers would become more powerful.
                2. The Uitlanders
                  1. British were annoyed that they had been denied the vote
                    1. Uitlanders were (mainly British) foreigners living in Boer lands
                      1. Were not able to vote in Orange Free State and the Transvaal
                    2. Main events of the war
                      1. First Phase
                        1. October 1899- January 1900
                          1. 12th October, the Boer's declared war after the British had refused to withdraw troops from the borders of Boer territory
                            1. British suffered a series of losses during Black Week and at Spion Kop
                              1. Besieged at Ladysmith, Kimberly and Mafeking
                                1. Commander of British forces was Redvers Buller
                                2. Second Phase
                                  1. February -June 1900
                                    1. Kimberly and Ladysmith were relieved
                                      1. Bloemfontain was captured
                                        1. By June 1900 British had taken Johannesburg and Pretoria
                                          1. The British believed they had won the war
                                            1. British commander during this phase was Lord Roberts
                                            2. Third Phase
                                              1. Late 1900 and throughout 1901
                                                1. Boers fought back with a determined guerilla campaign
                                                  1. Boer commandos attacked British railways and supply lines
                                                    1. British responded by clearing Boers in to concentration camps
                                                      1. Gained the upper hand in 1902
                                                        1. May 1902 the Peace of Vereeniging
                                                          1. British commander during this phase was Horatio Kitchener
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