Industrial Revolution


Year 9 Humanities Note on Industrial Revolution, created by claire.tallon on 27/06/2014.
Note by claire.tallon, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by claire.tallon over 10 years ago

Resource summary

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Timeline of the Industrial Revolution1694 - The bank of England is established. 1700 - Improvements in agricultural technology contribute to the agricultural revolution. 1707 - the first turnpike trusts are established. 1709 - Abraham Darby develops a blast furnace capable of producing high-quality iron. 1712 - Thomas Newcomen develops 1730 - 1780 - The invention of new and larger spinning and weaving machines shifts textile industry into factories1757 - The Sankey Canal is opened1761 - The  Bridgewater Canal is opened 1763 - Victory in the Seven Years' War gives Britain increased trade access to colonies in India and North America. 1769 - James Watt invents a steam engine capable of providing continuous power1783 - Henry Cort 'pudding' process further improves the quality of iron products1785 - The Boulton and Watt steam engine is first used in a textiles factory. 1801 - The first official population census is held in Britain. 1813 - The first working steam locomotive, known as puffing Billy, is built. 1825 - The first English public steam railway (from Stockton to Darlington) is opened. 1830 -  Stephenson's Rocket hauls the first train on the Manchester to Liverpool railway line. 1830's - Railway building begins in France and Germany 1842 - Samuel Morse develops the single wire telegraph. 1851 - The great Exhibition is held in London. 1876 - Alexander Graham Bell patents the first telephone. 

Abdicate: to step down from the throne or from other high officeAbolition: the end of legal acceptance of slaveryAbsolute Monarch: a ruler who governs alone, unrestrained by laws or constitutionAffiliated unions: unions linked with other unions through a wider umbrella organisationAnimal Husbandry: Breeding and caring for livestock, usually in a  farm environment. Annex: to take possession of a territoryArtefact: an object made by humansArtillery: large-callibre gunsPatents: a legally enforceable right tot make or sell an invention. Patents, usually granted by government, protect an inventor's idea from being copied. Rural Population: people living in the countryside rather than in towns or citiesUrban population: people living in cities or larger townsSubsistence farming: farming that provides only enough to satisfy the basic needs of life of the farmer or community. Fallow: land left unplantedEnclosure: consolidation of open fields and common land into single farms owned by one farmer or landowner Black Death: a deadly disease that ravaged Europe, killing between a quarter and a half of the population. It continued to occur periodically over the next three hundred yearsFamine: a severe shortage of food, leading to starvation, usually due to crop failures over a sustained period of time. Scurvy: a disease caused by a poor diet, especially a deficiency of vitamin C. Rickets: a softening of the bones, leading to the deformity of the limbs caused by a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. Infant mortality rate: a means of measuring the percentage of babies who fail to survive their first birthdayCottage industry: small-scale manufacturing in which raw materials are processed in workers' homes. Bell pit: a traditional form of coal mining in which a shaft is dug down to a seam of coal and then excavated outwards, with the coal raised to the surface using a winch and bucketsBlast furnace: a type of furnace into which air is forced to raise the temperature sufficiently to carry out the smelting of iron orePig iron: the initial p

Timeline of the Industrial revolution

Industrial Revolution Definitions

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