A Year To Remember 1066


Year 7 History Note on A Year To Remember 1066, created by dalexanb on 24/05/2013.
Note by dalexanb, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dalexanb over 11 years ago

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In The Year 1066 Edward the Confessor was the old king of England and died in 1066 Harold Godwineson, William, Harald Hardrada,

1066 Edward The Confessor was the old king of England and died in 1066 Harold Godwineson, William and Harald Hardrada all thought they should be the next king of England Harold Godwineson was the son of Earl Godwineson, a Saxon Lord and in control of a large area of land in the southern England William was Duke of Normandy which is part of France and thought he should rule England aswell Harald Hardrada was Viking King of Norway Harold Godwineson was crowned king of England

the Norwegians then the Normans invaded England the famous battle that was fought in 1066 was the battle of Hastings Harold the King of England died in the battle William then became king of England He was crowned on Christmas day the event is illistrated on the Bayeux Tapestry


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