Nile River


6th grade 6th Grade Social Studies (Ancient Egypt) Note on Nile River, created by Brandon Andersen on 27/10/2017.
Brandon Andersen
Note by Brandon Andersen, updated more than 1 year ago
Brandon Andersen
Created by Brandon Andersen almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

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4160 miles long Flows from South to North Nickname for the Nile: Giver Of Life Has 6 cataracts or waterfalls Every mid July it floods leaving rich fertile soil To predict the floods they developed the solar calender Has deserts to the East and West   Aswan dam  is the worlds largest dam Made of Earth and rock 10 years to built  cost 1 billion dollars Advantages - Electrical power and fishing industry  Disadvantages - lost nutrients, 120,000 people had to migrate, polluted by fertilizer    The Suez canal separates Asia from Africa cuts through Egypt  Longest ship canal in the world Links the Mediterranean sea and the Red sea  

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